Legacy User choose what gift set to show on user_table

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You see for instance here we have diffent type of gifts, one is like guns and another is random gifts, bu the sizes are different. I thought maybe the user can choose which set to show. they can only select 1.

why am i saying this. because for instance if in my forum i have guns and random gifts, and the sizes are different it will look weird. so I hope this is alredy included, but if not, i keep my fingers crossed.
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Something like this is planned for the v2.x branch :)

cool, so is not in the vbShop 2.0.0 but it might come sometime in the future, correct ? can you give me a guess as in how long after vbshop 2.0 ? cause im planning to but vbshop pro i might go life time, but i want to add more gifts just wanna know when so i implement them.
From Cosmic's Dev Blogs:

Fillip H. is working on vBShop v2. It's tentatively scheduled to launch in 2 weeks, 6th of may. please note the word tentatively, it is subject to change. Just wanted you guys to have a better idea.

So maybe real soon!!
From Cosmic's Dev Blogs:

Fillip H. is working on vBShop v2. It's tentatively scheduled to launch in 2 weeks, 6th of may. please note the word tentatively, it is subject to change. Just wanted you guys to have a better idea.

So maybe real soon!!

you do realize its 7th :)
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