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Just a real stupid question: where do I actually upload new images to the gallery?
I checked the docs for the Gallery and here it says: "Select Upload Images below the navbar to be taken to the page to upload images..." The problem is I can't see any button/link with "Upload images"...
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I think it's because of your style. It looks like the subnav links are under the second navbar. I'll tag Ozzy47 to see if he can see what would be causing it.
I can add to Ozzy47 that I'm using the vBnavtabs using second navbar and that the sublinks have never worked on the two skins i've been using. I've never taken action to this, as it not until now it has been a problem for me.
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Sent you a PM - would just like to know if this has to be fixed on a per skin basis, because I'm in the process of changing to the ones called boggnasker ( will be default) and Boggnasker Creative 4.1.12/NEW whick will be the second skin offered.

Edit: Temporarily I fixed this issue by allocating a new dropdown tab in vBnavtabs - just in case the normal sublinks will not be able to work with the skins
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Ok I will look into it later today when I get home from work and see what has to be done to get it to work on the custom skins. Are they available somewhere or is this something you had made for your site?
Ok I will look into it later today when I get home from work and see what has to be done to get it to work on the custom skins. Are they available somewhere or is this something you had made for your site?
The ones named Creative is bought from, the other is made from scratch. Don't know what you mean exactly by "available"?
The ones named Creative is bought from, the other is made from scratch. Don't know what you mean exactly by "available"?

He means is it something you got from or somewhere else we can download it. When we're dealing with style issues we usually would like to download and tweak on our dev rather then tweak on a live site to keep from causing problems :)
cykelmyggen I have not forgotten about this, just working through some issues with the latest release of vBDonate at the moment. I did take a look the other day and I think it is due to the way the custom skins create the navbar though so I don't know how much I can do but I will try.
Unfortunatly the way that skin is made I don't think I can do anything with it, for some reason they add the sublinks in the content wrapper part of the page and don't us a floatcontainer under the navbar to display them. :( I would contact the developers of the skin and ask them if it is possible to move the sublinks under the navbar like most of the styles out there display them, including vBulletin default skin.
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