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Gary Brun

HI Dylan.
After trying out the mod and putting it through its paces I can see a few ways of enhancing it.
Please note that I havnt been runnning it long... and these are just some ideas.

A seperate page that can store all nominations and they can be sorted by weekly, monthly, yearly.
ie: I run a Find Of The Month Competition.

I would like the winner of this competition to be automatically added to the "Find Of The Year" Competition.

I would like to see some form of award (graphic of my choice) to be added as a extra rank to postbit for the winner of the FOM.

Some other way (icon) of voting for the post instead of the drop down box.
Click on the icon.. then it will give you the dropdown list.
I think way it is at the moment could be a lot more pleaseing to the eye
A area which we can write our own text in... create button???
Number of votes so far...

The ability to change your vote... if the board is set to one vote only!

Also thought if its used for photographs.. the winers could be added to a "Hall Of Fame" :-)

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I have some mockups of button placement on my PC at home that I've been working on.

I'll post when I get home :)
Button Positioning

First off, appologies to Gary Brun for jumping his thread but this seems to be the appropriate place.

The dropdown for nominate threw me completely as I had imagined it would be just a button placement but not to be thrown off here of a few suggestions.

The use of the thread_controls toolsmenu


Button Only Options

I noticed the likes/share system on vbseo forums so thought this could be placed but it may disrupt users of such software!


Member Hover . Also use for 'nominate member' as asked by CharlieDelta and no hints Fillip H. of bookmark thread button placement *cough*


Top right placement . Ive been playing around with the userinfo but this also stops the nasty forcing of your message to the left that is caused by Thread Ratings < on a mobile its truly awful, sorry!


These are just suggestions and are to get the idea juices flowing
NO probs Freekoid keep them coming.

I myself will only use the nominate post feature and maybe thread feature.
Mayb some form of ballet box for an icon??


VBSEO likes system... will just cause confusion with my site.
I mean facebook like, vbseo like and now nominate... need to give it some real thought. :-)
I like the share ajax popup system on vbseo :)

I thought about deployment in the postfoot control area but its getting rather chocka

I spotted a thanks system on an IPboard that added an icon to the bottom of the message this could be utilized in the nominate sig also.

Do you guys like the idea of a combined list button or separate buttons? I've been working on doing the one combined button per post, just need to figure out the best location for it. I guess I can work on making it an ACP option, decide if you want it all in 1 list or separated out into different lists. This is just hardcoded right now, but the direction I'm thinking. Will also make it so you can either use text or an image for the link.

Button Only Options

I noticed the likes/share system on vbseo forums so thought this could be placed but it may disrupt users of such software!

I don't have vbseo but I saw this today on another forum today and thought...
Hey, A good place for the Nominate. :)

And on a side note a internal share system would be cool - Share with Groups ????

Dylan...I thinking combined list button
I like your idea Dylan , but what concerns me the way your image shows is the member having click/scroll/click just to nominate where a simple single button which once pressed does the add to the poll the same way do their 'nominate for MOTM' & 'Clear MOTM Nomination'.

If my above isnt really on the planning table then I would have to go for ACP separate lists.

Any possibility to have a un/checkable 'auto template' and have the code for our positional use? eg. {vb:raw ad_location.nominate_post}
I like your idea @Dylan , but what concerns me the way your image shows is the member having click/scroll/click just to nominate where a simple single button which once pressed does the add to the poll the same way do their 'nominate for MOTM' & 'Clear MOTM Nomination'.

If my above isnt really on the planning table then I would have to go for ACP separate lists.

Any possibility to have a un/checkable 'auto template' and have the code for our positional use? eg. {vb:raw ad_location.nominate_post}

The problem is have one nomination that runs each month. This could have an infinite amount, can't do it with one click. This one is an on hover menu btw. Wish vB had multi level support on their popup menus :(

I was planning on having some stock locations, the self position option is doable as well.
Yeah their dhtml popup menus arnt the best where as a simple css and <li> is surely the way to go.

Isn't Ozzy47 using dropdown in his navtab mod?
Yes I am using a dropdown, but I am also plagued by vbulletins lack of multi level dropdowns.
I updated the code on here, let me know if you guys think it looks better. There is now just one Nominate! link in the thread control bar at the bottom that has a multi level menu. When selected I also switched to a message box like a lot of our other mods instead of writing to the page.
There is still the option to have separate links, but either way I switched to a strictly css only menu instead of jQuery on both.
If you do use either combined or separate links I also have it so you can move it as needed in the template like by turning off the auto template and using the supplied variable names (good idea on that one Freekoid). I'm working on making it so you can have an image instead of text for the link, should have it all ready to go for Fridays release.

Clicking any of the grabbag's doesnt do anything! .. yet?

The thread nominate should only reflect the original thread starter IMO.

Clicking any of the grabbag's doesnt do anything! .. yet?

The thread nominate should only reflect the original thread starter IMO.

Sorry about that, there was a small bug, got it fixed now. Not sure what you mean about the thread reflecting the original thread starter? I include it on all the menu's for the thread so you can vote for the thread anywhere, but it's the same vote, wether it's the first post or the last, it passes the threadid.
I hit the "thanks" button for a post and the nominate option disappeared. I had to refresh the page. I agree with gary about the OP being the only person in the thread to be eligible for thread nomination. Good job these look so much better.
When you click any of the nominate options they disappear from the list, this should be same code for the thread option, ie only to be seen on the first post.

ie, if post = thread starter then show nomination else rest of list.

Hmmm. they've all gone now. lol
When you click any of the nominate options they disappear from the list, this should be same code for the thread option, ie only to be seen on the first post.

ie, if post = thread starter then show nomination else rest of list.

Hmmm. they've all gone now. lol

Back again now? I was doing some troubleshooting on the thanks mod killing nominations heh.

Here is the way I look at it. The user comes onto the forum after work and starts reading a 20 page thread. 3/4 of the way through he goes, damn I like this thread, I want to nominate it for thread of the month. Should he have to remember who the original poster was to find a post he made to nominate it for thread of the month or should he have to go back to the first page/first post to nominate it or should he be able to nominate the thread from whatever post he's reading. That's why I put the thread nominations on each post.

Freekoid, I removed you nomination votes so you could play around with it more :)
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