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In Firefox and IE chat doesn't want to load.
In latest Opera and Chrome works ok.

no errors in error console firefox, only warnings.

I have one another question, how to change the character encoding to iso-8859-2, or somthing else, with Polish special characters.
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It seems like JavaScript is broken on your site. Please try disabling all other modifications and see if that helps :)

Changing charsets should not be required, please paste a Polish special character here so that I can test if it works with v6.0 :)
In FF10, SB works fine, but for users with 9.x doesn't work.
Shoutbox was the first modification, after upgrade forum to version 4.x, so I havent other modifications, that's not the cass.
I upgrade it to 6.0.2, but I still haven't polish chars like:
I've just tested these characters on both vB3 and vB4 versions of v6 and they work perfectly, charset ISO-8859-1 :)
I see, but how I can fix this in my forum?
My forum is under UTF8, and all except shoutbox have pl chars.

I tested three xml files, to install shoutbox, with standard ISO-8859-1, UTF8 and ISO-8859-2.

Where is the error.
I can't tell you, sorry :(

I have no idea why it's not working and there's really nothing I could do even if I were to visit your site. Please try completely uninstalling and reinstalling the products, following the instructions in the readme file as if it was a first install.

If that doesn't work, then I'm fresh out of ideas :(
I solved the problem.
In addition to change the encoding in the xml file, I had to manually change the encoding in the database to utf8_general_ci.

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