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Is there a way to alter the way scores are displayed on the leaderboard?? It is set to percentage now, is there a way we could do it by total points scored?? The percentage basis seems to be a bit off. When you take 1 quiz and get every question right, only registers a score of 50%. After 34, not missing a question, only get score of 99%

Do I possibly have something set wrong?
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Is there a way to alter the way scores are displayed on the leaderboard?? It is set to percentage now, is there a way we could do it by total points scored?? The percentage basis seems to be a bit off. When you take 1 quiz and get every question right, only registers a score of 50%. After 34, not missing a question, only get score of 99%

Do I possibly have something set wrong?
Are you sure you don't have an empty or zero quiz in there? It should be a straight average, so if you got a 100% on 1 but show a 50%, I'd think there would be a quiz entry in your history with a 0%
Are you sure you don't have an empty or zero quiz in there? It should be a straight average, so if you got a 100% on 1 but show a 50%, I'd think there would be a quiz entry in your history with a 0%

Is there a way to clear the scores?? Like from the hall of fame and the regular leader board??
Is there a way to clear the scores?? Like from the hall of fame and the regular leader board??
I don't have any code in there to clear the scores. I can put something in for the next release. But if you have mysql access through phpmyadmin or if you have access to run mysql queries through vB I can give you the commands to do it.
I don't have any code in there to clear the scores. I can put something in for the next release. But if you have mysql access through phpmyadmin or if you have access to run mysql queries through vB I can give you the commands to do it.

yea, those codes would be great. How about doing points instead of %? For what we are using it for, points would be very handy.
Thanks for all your help.
I'll have to do coding changes to be able to display points instead of percentage, I can put that into the next release

For all these replace <db_prefix> with your prefix, for instance, if you have a prefix of vb_ then change <db_prefix>user to vb_user, otherwise just remove the <db_prefix>

To clear the current leaderboard data
UPDATE <db_prefix>user SET dbtech_vbquiz_lb_score  = '', dbtech_vbquiz_lb_time  = '', dbtech_vbquiz_lb_quizzes  = '', dbtech_vbquiz_lb_creator  = '', dbtech_vbquiz_lb_score_avg = '';

To clear the Hall Of Fame
DELETE FROM <db_prefix>dbtech_vbquiz_hof;

To remove all taken quizzes
DELETE FROM <db_prefix>dbtech_vbquiz_taken;
DELETE FROM <db_prefix>dbtech_vbquiz_taken_answer;
I'll have to do coding changes to be able to display points instead of percentage, I can put that into the next release

That is great man, I appreciate you putting the ability to clear and the points option in the next release. Just out of curiosity, when will that be released?? (ballpark)
That is great man, I appreciate you putting the ability to clear and the points option in the next release. Just out of curiosity, when will that be released?? (ballpark)

That's a Cosmic question to answer heh. He's the master scheduler :)
That is great man, I appreciate you putting the ability to clear and the points option in the next release. Just out of curiosity, when will that be released?? (ballpark)

Generally the schedules are only made 4-8 weeks in advance. At the moment a vBQuiz updates isn't in that period, so it'll be some point after 8 weeks. Exactly when after that I can't say really. vBQuiz has had approx 3 months of update time so far this year, so it's very possible it won't be updated again for several months.

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