Legacy Rebuild Reputation from liked post

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As I noted in another thread, I accidentaly delete all the reputation that had been generated by the Like system when I recalculated the reputation. I had to restore a two day old database to recover.

Please add a feature that allows a rebuild of the rep generated, this mod is fantastic but losing peoples rep could get me hanged.
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You better contact your solicitor to set your affairs in order, because this WILL NEVAR EVAR HAPPEN and I intend to alert your users as to just what you are up to!

;) naw just joking, we'll see about figuring out what the best way of making it compliant with the vB rep system is :)
:pWhen visiting other forums I sure miss my own BS and LOL buttons !
Thanks Fillip H., there is still a lingering and ominous lack of activity since I restored, Silly Crackers are sulking cause none of them are brave enough to complain. :cool:
No need to bump it, every feature request gets examined by me when the next version is being planned ^.^
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