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1. Set up a new currency in both vBCredits and vBShop, and ensure you turn off all points accumulation from things like threads, posts etc in both mods.

2. Wait for Darkwaltz4 to tell you how to buy credits with Paypal.

3: ???

4: Profit!
Go to Currency Pricing Conversions and if you didnt fill out a payment processor yet, it will redirect you to do so. Return to this link once you have.
If you havent filled out any pricing tiers (a "conversion"), you will be prompted to do so. You set the appropriate conversion rate for one fake currency to real currency. Leave blank the ones you don't want to accept (sounds like you just want Euro)
You can use the minimum/tiered option to create additional price points and price breaks depending on the amounts people ask for. Save it.
Next go to activity amounts configuration, and if you dont have an event using the Purchase action, add one for the currency you setup the conversion with.
Fill out the event as you see fit, although simply saving it as it is presented to you will cover the basics. Save it.
Now anywhere on your forum where currencies are displayed, click the number to open the currency popup.
From there, you can choose purchase from the From Account dropdown, and type the amount you want to buy.
The price will update automatically and you submit when you are ready to buy. Complete the regular process through the payment processor, and when you have returned to the forum, you will have the purchased credits.
Hi, I didnt understand all these you re writing above.

I enabled paypal in payment processor.

I made these settings for Currency Pricing Conversions:

I also did these settings for Activity Amounts Configuration:

I go to Transactions in my forum, select Credits>Purchase>Go and do nothing, just refreshing the page.

What am I doing wrong?

The message "You are missing a required field" should be more specific, like "You are missing the required field xxxx"
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Your conversion and event look workable, but you are looking in the wrong place to use it.

On the transaction page, in the sidebar, you see the currencies listed (in your case, just Credits). It also says you have 20 of them, so click the 20. That will bring up the currency popup I was talking about in my previous post, where you can follow along the instructions for actually buying the credits.
Ok, you 're right, i found it but there are two problems.

1. I want to buy straight from the vbshop. When somebody click in the product to add the product in cart and then go to paypal page for making the payment, the same method that using your site. Not to purchase credits from the transactions page.

2. When a member creating a thread or making a post he earns credits. I dont want that. I want the members to buy the credits, not to earn it. I disabled from the Currency to give me credits and it still giving me 10 credits when I creating a thread.
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1) That is not a feature of vBShop. Our cart system is bespoke and not on sale. vBShops primary purpose is not to be used as a dedicated cart system - the features to allow this were added after requests from customers. vBShop is not designed to be able to securely handle direct payments.

2) You can make a currency which has no events associated with posts etc, and make it so people can only earn it by purchasing it, then you simply have vBShop use this currency.
1/ Can one "pay" to gain access back to forum (because of being banned)?
2/ Can one "pay" to gain access to club?
3/ Can one "pay" to gain access blog?

Is there instructions for the above with pictures attached?

1/ Yes, if the banned usergroup can use the shop, in which case it can be setup to allow them to purchase an item to get back in.
2/ Yes, if the club is a usergroup...
3/ Yes, if the blog is not viewable by default in the normal usergroup, then adding a usergroup you can purchase access to and which has blog access and setting a product like no.1 would work
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Legacy vBShop

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DragonByte Technologies
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