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I looked before I posted, but did not see a thread detailing my query.
I purchased both vbshop and vb credits deluxe II for the specific purpose of being able to purchase forum "credits" via paypal, and so far, am unable to figure out exactly how to do it.
Is there a walkthrough that explains this or is someone willing to lay it out for me? I appreciate any help you are able to give.

Also, I'd like to change the link name of the "vbshop" in the navigation bar. Is this possible, and if so, how would I go about doing it?

Thanks for your time and effort. It's appreciated.
First off, you'll need to configure vBShop's currency manager to use at least one currency from vBCredits. The configuration should be rather similar, and if you want to have only one currency and use the default vBCredits currency, you simply enter user and credits for Points Table and Points Field in vBShop respectively.

John should be along to explain how to set up paypal purchases in vBCredits shortly :)
I appreciate your answer. I'm fairly new to using vbulletin and plugins, so I'm not sure I understand completely, but I'll play around with it.

Is there a way to manually take away points from a usergroup?
I believe that would be a feature of vBCredits, I'll re-tag Darkwaltz4 in case he missed this thread :)
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