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I was trying to reimport the few v3arcade games I have that don't work, when I got the following error:

Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in [path]/dbtech/vbarcade/functions_arcade.php on line 116

Which makes sense, the dir is already there, just needs to cleanly trap is all. =)


I was looking for these 5 games that won't import right, so that I could disable them, I was having trouble finding one of them and then I noticed that the icon for it, was incorrect.

The game SHOULD be Tetris, but if you look at the screenshot and the game ID, it's starcastle. But some of the data says Tetris, such as description, tags, etc. Some something got corrupted somewhere.

Dark Hand of Valor Forums - vBulletin Admin Control Panel.png
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Well this is interesting. do you have the real Tetris still? Does that one edit okay? That live install service is a ball of bugs! if you look at the v3a forums, people have been complaining about it since last year, but i didnt see that stuff until after id implemented it lol
Actually, that *IS* the entry for Tetris, at least, sorta.. If you log into my website and look at StarCastle, it's really Tetris behind the scenes... heh

Outside of a couple of games that v3Arcade has, I don't care about the integration really to be honest. They don't have more than 50ish games anyway, so... I wouldn't worry too much about this. If you can, give it a quick look, if it's as broken as you say it is, ditch the feature, it's not worth the headache. =)
Okay... then same question, only starcastle instead of tetris :p

also - does editing games outside of the evil bunch still maintain their correlations? just to make sure the editor itself isnt causing this...
Okay... then same question, only starcastle instead of tetris :p

also - does editing games outside of the evil bunch still maintain their correlations? just to make sure the editor itself isnt causing this...

I can edit them both just fine. But as neither game actually works anyway... I can't tell how "broken" things are. Some of the data is duplicated between the two games, some is swapped, etc. Really crazy.

Ok, I decided to just export the data for these games in particular directly from the database. Looks like it's mostly title and description that got whacked (didn't do a check of keywords, etc), but here's all of the data.

Added .txt to the extension to get it to upload.


Okay - the initial error you posted was because i didnt clear out the temp dir for live installs, so duplicate dirs happen.
fixed the demon tars from live install, so they should not get mixed up again either... ill say this is fixed, and you can try live install again afterwards and let me know in a new thread if it doesnt.
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