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That one User gains massive loads of credits. But he never did anything.
Why is he getting so massive loads if credits but other users which are heavily active get nothing ?

edit: just to clearify. Other users too. But on this one it is extremly.

Also I set every date to the 1. June 2012 and yet it it counts from day 1 of the board.
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You can audit the user by visiting the Recalculate User Amounts link under vbcredits in the admincp. If that doesnt seem to explain it - do you have any other addons installed that tie into vbcredits in some way?
All of vbcredits actions will include entries in the transaction log.

Any other changes must have been applied by an admin through the admincp, or an addon that works with credits but does not use the transaction system. Are these a possibility?
Unfortunately, without transaction log entries I cant tell you how it is happening.

as stated. All that these users are getting is PAYCHECK. I can give you a screenshot where you can see 59082 paycheck entries but I really doubt this will change any infos for you.
And I also told you, that I do NOT have any addons which work with credits.
The only addon that COULD do it would be LDM but for that I did not use the proper plugin because I don't want it to use any credits.

There is no Addon, Extra or what ever.
Only VBCredits which gives every day one Paycheck and still funnily active members like me (User ID 1, Name Exportforce) are having almost no credits.

A link to the user with most credits is linked in my first post.
My apologies, I was misunderstanding earlier.

vBCredits will award paychecks to a user from between the last time they logged in and now. This could be the cause of the large amounts if they had been away during the time you installed vbcredits.
Alternatively, they could have been created if you used the recalculate tool in the admincp from the beginning of your board after having the paycheck event created.
Why do those INACTIVE accounts get shitloads of paychecks and ACTIVE users gain nothing ?
And most: Why is the system giving stuff for BEFORE 1. June 2012 when I set it up to only use to do it from 1. June 2012 and beyond ?

Still the same.
I let the system reset all points and levels and recalculated with the start date of June, 1, 2012
Still the same.

My Adminaccount (same as other active User accounts) yet only gets everything only AFTER that date.
Others like the linked one gets from before and as stated: No, there are no interfering Addons.

Edit edit: Okay found a way.

edit edit edit: Okay I give up.
How do I block the addon to give away points before Day X
I tried absolutely anything. Even deleted all points myself which have been given before day X.
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I want that paycheck option and for most users it works but there is a bug that gives some users much more than wanted.
I would also want to ask if there is any way of direct and faster help. Because 0-2 answers a day where my problem is not really being understood will take me months to get the addon setup as wanted.


but why not just adding also a check:
if date < (don't do anything) ?
Or all in all a master option "Credits, no matter from where, only from date X+" as an option for every currency. <-- This would be my most wanted option.
Unfortunately thats not a realistic solution on an addon at this scale, especially because its perfectly fine to get credits from before the addon was installed, like if you use the recalculation feature.

Not to mention it is more of a bandaid rather than fixing the problem. Have you tried the cron method I linked you to? That will only issue one paycheck per person on a regular basis, instead of the original method of looking at the last active timestamp for the user and inserting the number of missed paychecks determined from it.
Not yet tried.
Shouldn't I as the Admin controll when points start to count?
Maybe I want to add Points on a timed basis which get reset after a few months or something. There is so much potential and even vbexperience had that option.
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