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i just uploaded all files and XML file without problem. Also uploaded a watermark .psd.

But something must have messed up, cause the border around thumbnail is wrong
Also when i press thumbnail it says 'missing image', and error when i try upload new photo.

Any idea what i screwed up on? Is there any way to remove all dbgallery files and try it again?

Thank you alot
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If you want to start fresh you can uninstall and reupload the files. When you uninstall it will delete all the tables. If you have images in there you want to keep and would rather try to fix the issues I'd need to get access.
ok, that is great!
No i've no pictures of value there so i'll uninstall and re-upload it and try again by myself. But feels great that you can help if i can't fix it myself.
Thanks, i get back after i tried
Hi again.
Must have been something with the option to upload own watermark, when i choose text option it's fine. So i'll use that insteed!

I've few other settings that i would need help with if it's ok!

I want to remove camera settings, i removed code in template as said in this thread:
but after i do that i can't upload photos anymore... A bit weird, you know why?

I would also like to remove:

  • Statics
  • Times viewed
  • Image Information
  • Add to favorite buttom

I can't find options for this in Db gallery settings, is it possible to remove?

Other then that i love this gallery, it's great

You mean when you have a custom image watermark it messes up the border and breaks thumbnail images?
When you remove the camera code what happens when you try and upload an image?

If you want to give me access I can remove the stuff, or I can try to work it out and give you instructions. It sounds like you're having other problems though if the other thread instructions are messing it up.
You mean when you have a custom image watermark it messes up the border and breaks thumbnail images?
Yepp exactly! But now i use your standard text watermark and it works and i think it looks good!

When you remove the camera code what happens when you try and upload an image?
Nothing. It just 'loads' and nothing happends

If you want to give me access I can remove the stuff, or I can try to work it out and give you instructions. It sounds like you're having other problems though if the other thread instructions are messing it up.
yes it would be great if you could help! I Pmed you a admin account. If you will try to instruct me to do it i would most likely screw it up more!=)
Thanks alot, sorry for the hassle:)
I just removed the camera info, looks like it's working ok without it. Let me know about the access to change the #2 thing on your image you sent me :)
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