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integration/conversion of "VSa - PayPal Donate" or other donation system

On my live (and test sites), I'm currently using the "VSa - PayPal Donate" mod.
I would love to see a possibility to have those donations converted into this mod.
(I think I could add them all manual, but would be nice to have it done automatically)
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I will look into a importer, but I am not that good with working with others code, I will see what I can do.
Valcav Ok I have a importer done, but it is a little clunky. By that I mean you would import a product xml like you would any product, it takes all the donations from vsa and adds them to vBDonate. Then what you would have to do is uninstall the product (DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - Donations Importer) like you would if you were uninstalling any product. it in no way alters or deletes anything from vsa just transfers the info from there to vBDonate. Would that work for you?
bszopi I now have one working for that as well, it would be the same process as the other importer, it is a little clunky. By that I mean you would import a product xml like you would any product, it takes all the donations from awc and adds them to vBDonate. Then what you would have to do is uninstall the product (DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - Donations Importer 2) like you would if you were uninstalling any product. it in no way alters or deletes anything from awc just transfers the info from there to vBDonate. Only difference with this importer is I can not get a valid userip, since AWC don't store that information. But that is trivial info anyway.

And on a side note the products will be named something other than DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - Donations Importer and DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - Donations Importer 2 I just named them that for testing purposes.
this is 1 of the reasons why I love DBT so much...
A lot & great support & willing to take things into consideration...

Great work Ozzy! I guess that it will be included into the next patch (that is coming soon? No pressure :p ;) )?
It should, I won't have the auto confirm stuff in it yet, but I will release the new version soon. I am also working on a way to do the import from the acp instead of importing another xml, so stay tuned.
Valcav IcEWoLF bszopi
Since I did not like the idea of importing a product to import the donations from VSA or AWC I made it possible to do it in the acp, no editing or adding stuff.

Import Utility in ACP menu
vbd_import 1.png

Both Products Installed
vbd_import 2.png

Neither Product Installed
vbd_import 3.png
It just imports the basics so the donations will show up on the Donation List, Donation Statics and the Users Donation List page.
That's what I'm planning to do ;)
(once it's out of Beta)
Install mod,
Clicking on "vBDonate - Import Donations Utility" & import from the "VSa ..." mod.
And after that to the "vBDonate - DashBoard"
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