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I am not sure whether this is a bug, or something because I moved hosts. But previously when You hovered over the little image in the postbit (The image a winning member received) a little tooltip would popup stating what the image is for, like Theme of the month, or so.

But now after the move, there is no popup when you hover on it.

How can I get this back, or where should I check?

Thank you kindly!
Could you send me an account I can login with? The previous one you gave me is no longer active.
I found the problem. I added a hotfix so the download package is corrected if you want to redownload that. Otherwise, if you want to manually fix it.
Open dbtech/vbnominate/includes/class_core.php

Starting on line 248 Find
                $get_nomnom['nomnom_pb_img']    = self::$cache['awards'][$this_nomnom_id]['nomnom_pb_img'];
                $get_nomnom['pre']            = '<a href="vbnominate.php?id=' . $this_nomnom_id . '">';
                $get_nomnom['post']            = '</a>';

Replace with
                $get_nomnom['nomnom_pb_img']    = self::$cache['awards'][$this_nomnom_id]['nomnom_pb_img'];
                $get_nomnom['nomnom_name']    = self::$cache['awards'][$this_nomnom_id]['nomnom_name'];
                $get_nomnom['pre']            = '<a href="vbnominate.php?id=' . $this_nomnom_id . '">';
                $get_nomnom['post']            = '</a>';
The data is there, I just didn't display the title when I switched the code around to remove the queries.
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Legacy vBNominate

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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