
New member
Hello All

Dylan sent me over this way to peek at the goodies...

Have to say I am extremely impressed like a kid in the candy store, only problem is it will take me a few days to grasp it all and what to purchase and how to implement it on a car site. I am old and getting more senile everyday, did I say hello? LOL

Love to see some examples of what folks are doing with these mods.

Welcome SoCal, to
hope you enjoy your stay, if you need anything feel free to ask one of the staff members by posting in the proper forum. I am sure a few of the members will be more than willing to show off their forums, with DBT mods.
Hey :)
All of the mods have a free one you can download here and try out and upgrade to pro if you like it.

I know you did a lot of manual optimization but I still think vbo would be good for you with all the traffic you have. You could try out the free one and see what kind of results you get.
The other stuff is pretty much figuring out the candy your users would like heh
Welcome SoCal,
I am sure a few of the members will be more than willing to show off their forums, with DBT mods.

Really look forward to seeing the creative minds at full throttle

Hey :)
All of the mods have a free one you can download here and try out and upgrade to pro if you like it.

I know you did a lot of manual optimization but I still think vbo would be good for you with all the traffic you have. You could try out the free one and see what kind of results you get.
The other stuff is pretty much figuring out the candy your users would like heh

Yes I have a local copy, will install it, run benchmarks with sql and apache. Really like to compair both methods :)

Just so much here hard to get a full grasp with one read
^.^ Welcome to the site.

I'll tag a few of our regular customers and see if they will be willing to let you know what products they use and how they utilize them.

Trekkan Freekoid s3ponline to the rescue!
i'm sure you'll find something useful for your site here, DB-Tech products are extremely high quality and very robust. i hope you get a chance to test drive them all so you can see what they do :) Don't forget the admin demos :)
Regardless of free mode or pro mod (which I purchased almost all), you'l;l find the service here is professional and fast.

Welcome SoCal :)
Right now the primary mods are vBShout and vBShop for me (although I use several others as well).

vBShout, my members like... a lot... hehe So they hang out on the website and just in general BS there. Some people think it takes away from posts, but really.. I don't see that. It keeps people around and if something is post worthy, they post it.

vBShop I use extensively for my site, it handles all of my usergroup changes. This way I was able to give specific people access to "gift" usergroups to other people, but not give them access to the adminCP. This has relieved a LOT of the work from myself and put it onto the various areas that people are working in for me.

One of the other things I plan to do is let my users have their custom shops for the different games we play. This will allow them to handle their ingame inventory outside of the games (some games are just bad at it).

Another useful mod is the Advanced Thanks/Like mod, it's starting to catch on and my users are using it more and more.

Of course, I also use vBActivity, vBCredits, vBOptimize and InfoPanels as well (and others actually). But these are (for me) the most important mods. I need to redo a lot of my site (already started with a new theme) and work on some of the integrations and different ways to use the mods myself. There's so much potential in these mods for new uses that weren't even planned (like the way I use vBShop) that it'll take me a bit to do, but at the same time... will rock when complete. =) My site is at if you're interested in seeing some of the mods in action (You'll need to register if you want to see most of them though, up to you).
Thank you Trekkan

Also run TONS of usergroups here and having to re-think my entire concept now
Jump starting my old brain takes a few good kicks :)
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Thank you Trekkan

Also run TONS of usergroups here and having to re-think my entire concept now
Jump starting my old brain takes a few good kicks :)

Yeah, I have about 50 usergroups and find vbShop invaluable for helping me maintain things with them.
For me..

Advanced Thanks/Like mod is massive must for all boards, to be able to change the forum and ultimate buttons was the icing on the cake for this mod.
vBShop again is an excellent mod, the new 2.2 version has excelled plus a valuable point system.
VbActivity works well and encourages especially with the trophies swapping members.

These 3 are also integrated together with the point system and find refreshing from day to day.

Status and Mood is my next choice although im having YUI control errors on certain skins!