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I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but there are no file/image/video names showing up in the albums or categories for my Gallery. Since my gallery is primarily being used for Youtube Videos right now, just having Thumbnails makes it really hard to search for videos without a title somewhere. Is this a problem on my end or should I change this to a feature request?
What do you have set for
ACP->Gallery->Settings->Gallery Image Options->Display Image Information

It looks like you have that set to No, which means the info wont display under the image. I can see it when I hover over an image.
Oops, that fixed it!

Well then, if you would like to switch this thread to a "How Do I?" I'll ask: How do I make the length of the filename shown while browsing longer?
Open dbtech/gallery/modules/gallery/functions/class_module.php

                if (strlen($image_data['title']) > 25)
                    $image_data['title']     = substr($image_data['title'], 0, 25) . '...';

Change the 25 to what you want. But it wont wrap, so make sure it'll fit.
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