Feedback Info Panels


It looks like a nice program, but sadly it takes a long time to load in IE. Seems to run much better in Firefox. The really sad part about this is that my work has added this site to the banned list so I can't visit the forums at work anymore. Since none of the other sites I visit have been added, I can only assume it had something to do with the long load time on the forum home page. Just thought I would let you know in case anyone else is stuck using IE from a work place. :)
Do any of the other sites use the shoutbox?

I know some workplaces ban anything using JS in certain ways because they're associated with chat programs (which are discouraged obviously =P)
My site uses the shoutbox. I never notice any long loads there, but I can definitely see a long load time with the Info Panels when I come to this site. Once that loads, most of the other stuff pops up.
Might be the audio as it's loaded inline, if you disable audio here or on your website in your usercp for shoutbox settings the page render time should improve :)

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