
So last night I get on DBT to see if there's anything else I can spend my hard-earned cash on, when I got a request by Hachito to help him with his vBCredits. After making sure he understood that I was not a part of DBT nor did I guarantee anything, I logged on to his site and actually did help him.

Once finished, I let him know it was late and I needed to go to bed.

It was about that time that I started smelling something burning.

My furnace/AC caught on fire. Had I not been up and dinking around with DBT, I would not have been able to get out and if not killed, my whole family would have been at least hurt.

Thanks, DBT, for being so interesting I can't sleep!
Jesus H. Christ, didn't see that one coming =O

Are all the gadgets ok?
... eh I mean your family.
Everyone is fine, but our AC is fried. It's being looked at right now. It'll either be expensive or HOLY SHIT HOW MUCH?!?
Wow that's some story! I'm glad you and your family are all alright!

Man of the month goes to Hachito :D
Well Saving lives is our secondary job of course. i'm glad you and your family are ok and its good to know our products do more than just internetz stuff :P

DragonByte-Tech - "We specialise in being interesting...and the ocasional life saving" lol
Hello Friends:

I am truly mobilized at the story that our friend
Last night was approximately 22 hours in Buenos Aires and I even found myself in my work (work in systems, computing, IBM).
I was trying to get help from someone to chat travez the page DragonByte and nobody answered, until it appeared Edrondol, who very kindly agreed to be contacted via msn messenger.
I went home, and while having dinner with my wife, we began to chat.
As I speak Spanish and Edrondol speak English, I had two pages open Google translator to understand what he said to me, because my English is very basic (in this moment I am writing this in English thanks to google, hehehe).
The conversation lasted until 2 am, when Buenos Aires, where we both went to bed.
Edrondol had a great disposition to help me understand what the problem was that I had with vbcredits and vbactivity, and even linked to my site to try to help. Finally I managed to get me the questions you had and thanked him very much for your cooperation to me.
The conversation lasted more than two hours because in the middle exchanged views about life in Argentina and USA, ways and means of living, etc..
I am very sociable, I like to make friends and understand how they live elsewhere in the world. I must say that was the first time I talked to Edrondol (in fact, not even his real name, hehehe)
This afternoon, still in a work meeting, I received a message from msn messenger telling him that he lived last night, and honestly froze.
I thank above all that he and his family are well and not suffered any damages beyond the material losses.

My personal conclusion on this is that everything in life is causal, there is nothing that can be called coincidence. Everything happens for something and for something so pleasant things like non grata:). It is my personal view and please understand that I will not interfere with anyone's belief, it is my philosophy of life that has nothing to do with any dogma, but simply to experience life.

Thank you for allowing DragonByte meet people from other places in the world, make friends here, to get help from good people, and failing to express myself.
Of course, thank you for such nice products leave my site.

And you Edrondol, I can say ... I dont know you but I hope someday to meet you personally and give us a big hug.
There is a saying very old saying: "one hand washes the other and both wash the face. Today tomorrow for you and me."

A big hug to everyone!
Horacio Benedicto (hachito)
I'm Glad to see that Dragon-Byte tech is evolving into a social community as well as just a support site, its great to see people getting along and working together from different parts of the world. Its pretty awesome that you guys have gotten along and are now friends. I hope our company continues to grow its communal sections ontop of our support sections so that we can be known for not just support but for bringing people together too! :3
Hello Friends:

I am truly mobilized at the story that our friend
Last night was approximately 22 hours in Buenos Aires and I even found myself in my work (work in systems, computing, IBM).
I was trying to get help from someone to chat travez the page DragonByte and nobody answered, until it appeared Edrondol, who very kindly agreed to be contacted via msn messenger.
I went home, and while having dinner with my wife, we began to chat.
As I speak Spanish and Edrondol speak English, I had two pages open Google translator to understand what he said to me, because my English is very basic (in this moment I am writing this in English thanks to google, hehehe).
The conversation lasted until 2 am, when Buenos Aires, where we both went to bed.
Edrondol had a great disposition to help me understand what the problem was that I had with vbcredits and vbactivity, and even linked to my site to try to help. Finally I managed to get me the questions you had and thanked him very much for your cooperation to me.
The conversation lasted more than two hours because in the middle exchanged views about life in Argentina and USA, ways and means of living, etc..
I am very sociable, I like to make friends and understand how they live elsewhere in the world. I must say that was the first time I talked to Edrondol (in fact, not even his real name, hehehe)
This afternoon, still in a work meeting, I received a message from msn messenger telling him that he lived last night, and honestly froze.
I thank above all that he and his family are well and not suffered any damages beyond the material losses.

My personal conclusion on this is that everything in life is causal, there is nothing that can be called coincidence. Everything happens for something and for something so pleasant things like non grata:). It is my personal view and please understand that I will not interfere with anyone's belief, it is my philosophy of life that has nothing to do with any dogma, but simply to experience life.

Thank you for allowing DragonByte meet people from other places in the world, make friends here, to get help from good people, and failing to express myself.
Of course, thank you for such nice products leave my site.

And you Edrondol, I can say ... I dont know you but I hope someday to meet you personally and give us a big hug.
There is a saying very old saying: "one hand washes the other and both wash the face. Today tomorrow for you and me."

A big hug to everyone!
Horacio Benedicto (hachito)

si necesitas ayuda horacio, puedo redactar tus mensajes.

soy de santa fe capital :)

if you need help horace, dont hesitate to contact me

im from santa fe city :) (we have a distance between each city of 300km only)
This is really quite amazing, and we are glad that you're safe Edrondol! Good to know I was part of the catalyst :p
Now I can point to this if my wife complains that im up all night working on vbcredits "I'm guarding the family!" :D
There ya go! It all works out.

And I know this situation had nothing really to do with DBT, but I have to admit I never - ever - hang out in other vendor's sites. Most of the time I go for the product and bail. But the devs here are open, honest, fun and very helpful. Says a lot for your company.
Well thats what type of guys we are, we are just a bunch of regular guys with a passion for doing what we do and we want to be known for it. I guess that good people attract more good people so you get a community surrounded by nice friendly people. Its good to see that our customers are out there offering their own support for our products which shows how loyal and commited they are to us which in turn makes us feel proud of what we do.
This reminds me on this other article on another site "Black Berry Bold saves life" but this was way more amazing.
And yea i agree the staff here are cool :D