Bug DBSEO Links not working since upgrade

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Hi Mokonzi, Fillip H.,

Since I upgraded to 1.0.2 the rewrites have stopped working for the listings pages.

Viewing Listing: gibertini 1.25 meter dish and polar mount in - Buy Sell Wanted on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts

It does not matter what I set it too (custom, option1-4), or even if I turn it off and on, restart php, flush all caches in all the dragonbyte plugins...

URLS are not rewritten at all for the listings pages...

They continue to work for browsed categories etc, just the link/s I have posted.

I can replicate this on this forum, I'll look into it further as soon as I have time :)
Thank you.

It was ok until I clicked the save as I wanted to try a custom listing, but after it does not matter what I change it to it stays as static php file (not rewritten)
I've given Fillip H. another nudge and we'll work on this tonight/tomorrow to find the issue. :)
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