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John MacKinnon

New member
I have vbCredits Deluxe II and vbArcade installed and integrated but when I set a price to play a game, it still shows as free.

Any help?
Could you please edit the issue above and provide a valid url to the site in which the problem is occurring.

Please note that an incorrect or invalid URL will mean we are unable to provide support.
Only DBTech staff see your URL.
Could you please edit the issue above and provide a valid url to the site in which the problem is occurring.

Please note that an incorrect or invalid URL will mean we are unable to provide support.
Only DBTech staff see your URL.

That is my URL. It's not up yet as I am using a localhost account to make sure everything I want to set up will work.
That's strange, that domain comes up as available for purchase, are you sure you entered the url correctly?
You set the prices of the games as part of the Manage Permissions section in the admincp. Is that what you are doing?
Full tournament support is only in the pro version. The lite version allows for 2-person tournaments (friendly challenges) which are initiated from the game pages between the two players, not set up by the admin.
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