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I have installed vB Optimise Pro 2,3,0 on my new forum but since installation and doing main setup, I am now unable to do any change using admin cp, when ever i try to save any change in Admincp system through me following error message.

XCache Authentication Failed

You're not authorized to access this page due to wrong username and/or password you typed.
The following check points is suggested:

Be aware that `Username' and `Password' is case sense. Check capslock status led on your keyboard, and punch left/right Shift keys once for each
Make sure the md5 password is generated correctly. You may use mkpassword.php
Reload browser cache by pressing F5 and/or Ctrl+F5, or simply clear browser cache after you've updated username/password in php ini.

Check XCache wiki page for more information.

Please advise how to get things back to normal and get it working.

many thanks
Please add the following to config.php

define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

And then fill out the XCache Authentication fields in the vB Optimise AdminCP options, before removing the above file edit.
Thank you for this.

I am unable to find [fill out the XCache Authentication fields in the vB Optimise AdminCP options], where exactly it is? I am unable to see this in all of vbOptimize options.

Your help in this regard is much appreciated.

Kind Regards,
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