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Dear Sir,

I'm using vBulletin 4.2.2 Patch Level 1
I'm using DragonByte SEO v1.0.9

My Forum is still in beta test (401 Authorization Required)

login: dreamchrono
pass: 8FGn56nk

And we're using a custom hand made Theme

I have 2 BUG Request + 1 Feature Request and probably need custom work.
The best is if somebody contact me by email ( or skype (r.brabant) to discuss the option

1 BUG - I setup all my CUSTOM URL and they're all working, except the "Thread New Post URL"
Everytime click on the homepage in the colums "Last Post" on a post I can see it's trying to go to URL like this:
401 Authorization Required

But in the end it load this page : 401 Authorization Required
In the config I put "[forum_title]-f[forum_id]/[thread_title]-[thread_id]/new-post.html"

2 BUG - When I turn on "vB Optimize" everything is acting weird, like "URL Rewritted" when I'm LOGGED, then LOG OUT and nothing is "Rewritten", and then wait a little and URL are Rewritten even if I'm not logged, it drive me crazy, need help (CUSTOM WORK OK)...... right now I turned vBoptmized OFF

3 - Feature Request: I worry about the fact that all these options :

THREAD URL : [forum_title]-f[forum_id]/[thread_title]-[thread_id]/
LAST POST URL : [forum_title]-f[forum_id]/[thread_title]-[thread_id]/last-post.html
NEW POST URL : [forum_title]-f[forum_id]/[thread_title]-[thread_id]/new-post.html
GO TO POST URL : [forum_title]-f[forum_id]/[thread_title]-[thread_id]/post[post_id].html
PREVIOUS THREAD: [forum_title]-f[forum_id]/[thread_title]-[thread_id]/prev-thread.html
NEXT THREAD: [forum_title]-f[forum_id]/[thread_title]-[thread_id]/next-thread.html

(All working for me except "NEW POST" as explained in #1 )

Because when I go to "See Page Source" I see that all these page who have different URL, are actually all referring to one unique thread:

But all these URL even if they are about the same "THREAD" are all showing different "CANONICAL URL"
For me this will make Duplicate Content, and they must all show the same Canonical URL, are you OK with me ?

Anyway I need your help, and I'm ready to pay for custom VIP support so if you can please contact me on Skype or EMAIL I'll appreciate :)

Best Regards,
Romain Brabant - DreamChrono Ltd
DreamChrono - Watch Blog, Watch Reviews and Fine Watches Collecting Guide
I setup all my CUSTOM URL and they're all working, except the "Thread New Post URL"
Everytime click on the homepage in the colums "Last Post" on a post I can see it's trying to go to URL like this:
401 Authorization Required

But in the end it load this page : 401 Authorization Required
In the config I put "[forum_title]-f[forum_id]/[thread_title]-[thread_id]/new-post.html"
That URL will then be rewritten to a relative thread URL. This is working as intended.

When I turn on "vB Optimize" everything is acting weird, like "URL Rewritted" when I'm LOGGED, then LOG OUT and nothing is "Rewritten", and then wait a little and URL are Rewritten even if I'm not logged, it drive me crazy, need help (CUSTOM WORK OK)...... right now I turned vBoptmized OFF
This sounds like you have a problem with the caching mechanism used in vB Optimise. You should look into any configuration issues with your chosen opcode cacher.

But all these URL even if they are about the same "THREAD" are all showing different "CANONICAL URL"
For me this will make Duplicate Content, and they must all show the same Canonical URL, are you OK with me ?
This has been fixed in newer versions of DBSEO. Please update to the latest version (v1.0.14 at the time of writing) :)
Can you please contact me by email ( with a quote to update my forum to the last version ?
And check / troubleshoot my problem ?

I'm ready to pay for your help and work....

Dear Sir,

we updated the plugin to last version and it fixes the problem of canonical URL well, thanks.

However, for problem #1 (redirect of new post) this definitely doesn't work as intented, I know this link is supposed to redirect to a post URL, but what we expect to see here is a post URL using the format defined in the Forum URL settings of DBSEO, as it is the case for all other "symbolic pages" like last-post, etc ...

Dear Sir,

My Developer installed the last version of DBSEO (v1.0.14):

About Canonical it's not 100% Fixed :

Regular Thread: (401 Authorization Required)
Canonical OK: <link rel="canonical" href="" />

Previous & Next Thread: (401 Authorization Required)
Canonical OK

Last Post of a Thread with TWO post: (401 Authorization Required)
Canonical OK: <link rel="canonical" href="" />

Last/New Post of Forum show link as : (401 Authorization Required)
But it's rewritten like that: 401 Authorization Required <- we still have this problem
Canonical OK : <link rel="canonical" href="" />

Go to LAST POST of a One Post Thread : (
Caninical NOT OK : <link rel="canonical" href="" />
instead of <link rel="canonical" href="" />

And we still have Problem when we turn ON vBOptmize..... can you please contact me by email for "Custom VIP Support" (Paid Support)
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Go to LAST POST of a One Post Thread : (401 Authorization Required)
Caninical NOT OK : <link rel="canonical" href="" />
instead of <link rel="canonical" href="" />
This indicates that /dbtech/dbseo/includes/library/thread.php from the latest version may not have been uploaded. The URL format you're displaying is the "Thread Go To Post URL" which does indeed redirect to the correct canonical URL in the latest version.
This doesn't help me.... I'm blocked and need CUSTOM SUPPORT.
Can you please answer my request of VIP Support.

I want to pay you to take a look to our server an fix my problem for money $$$

My email :

I waste too much time already trying to fix by myself every details without the expected success so I want to save time by hiring you. Is it possible ?!

Also my Skype is : r.brabant

Indeed I'm sure the last version is uploaded as I deleted the dbtech/dbseo and dbtech/dbseo_pro folders prior to uploading the last version.

However, the redirect of "Last post" is working good on thread with more than 1 post, on threads with only 1 post, it doesn't redirect, and so the canonical is not good.

You can try that by yourself, using the last post links on our homepage, 1st one is working as expected (401 Authorization Required redirecting to 401 Authorization Required)

But second one is not working : 401 Authorization Required not redirecting anywhere ...

I just made a contribution of 25 USD, but I'm ready to pay more for Custom Work if somebody is willing to take care of me (contact me by email or skype)
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This doesn't help me.... I'm blocked and need CUSTOM SUPPORT.
Can you please answer my request of VIP Support.

I want to pay you to take a look to our server an fix my problem for money $$$

My email :

I waste too much time already trying to fix by myself every details without the expected success so I want to save time by hiring you. Is it possible ?!
We currently do not offer IM/email support. All support is handled via the forums, and we currently do not sell "VIP Support" or anything like that.

However, the redirect of "Last post" is working good on thread with more than 1 post, on threads with only 1 post, it doesn't redirect, and so the canonical is not good.
I see, I will look into this further and get back to you when a solution is available or if I need more information :)
Update: I am unable to replicate this issue. Please PM me with an FTP and AdminCP account so that I can look into this further.
PM Sent ! Thanks for your support.

Do you receive my PM ? Also I would like to ask Custom Work.

How much would you charge to make me a beautiful "Sign-Up" page like on CrackBerry:
( <- then click Sign-up on the Top Corner Right)

With the same Option (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Microsoft)
and short registration form (just username, email, and password x2 and checkbox for newsletter and terms & conditions)
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I am unable to replicate your reported issue on your forum: /news-watch-industry-f14/test-349/

Clicking the icon for /news-watch-industry-f14/test-349/post352.html#post352 correctly redirects to /news-watch-industry-f14/test-349/#post352

Please provide the step by step instructions for how to replicate this issue.

On the Homepage of the forum, click "JeanRichard Collection..." :
Link for : /bloggers-united-f8/jeanrichard-collection-baselworld-2014-a-302/new-post.html
Will Redirect too : /showthread.php?t=302&p=302#post302

On the Homepage of the forum, click "Test" :
Link for /news-watch-industry-f14/test-349/new-post.html
Will Redirect too : /showthread.php?t=349&p=352#post352


On the Homepage of the forum click the icons for :
Will redirect too : /bloggers-united-f8/jeanrichard-collection-baselworld-2014-a-302/post302.html#post302

With Canonical to :
<link rel="canonical" href="bloggers-united-f8/jeanrichard-collection-baselworld-2014-a-302/post302.html">

Instead of :
<link rel="canonical" href="bloggers-united-f8/jeanrichard-collection-baselworld-2014-a-302/">

(so Duplicate Content)

What's weird is for ERROR #2 is that :

- if you go "Last Post" for a Thread with TWO or More post : no problem
- if you go "Last Post" for a Thread with just ONE post : problem
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You appear to be running nginx, which means the .htaccess file is not read. These issues appear to be due to an issue with the nginx rewrite rules found in the server configuration, unfortunately I will be unable to assist with that as I have no experience running nginx.

You will need to correct the nginx rewrite rules in order for this mod to function correctly.
Dear Sir,

Well we just switch from NGINX to APACHE and the ERROR #1 problem is solved (so I will check directly with my developer later about this problem)

But for ERROR #2 , even using Apache there is still the problem, please check (we leave APACHE at the moment so you can check and troubleshoot)


On the Homepage of the forum click the icons for :
Will redirect too : /bloggers-united-f8/jeanrichard-collection-baselworld-2014-a-302/post302.html#post302

With Canonical to :
<link rel="canonical" href="bloggers-united-f8/jeanrichard-collection-baselworld-2014-a-302/post302.html">

Instead of :
<link rel="canonical" href="bloggers-united-f8/jeanrichard-collection-baselworld-2014-a-302/">

(so Duplicate Content)

What's weird is for ERROR #2 is that :

- if you go "Last Post" for a Thread with TWO or More post : no problem
ie: /news-watch-industry-f14/test-349/post352.html#post352
<- this thread with more than one post is working perfect, using good Canonical

- if you go "Last Post" for a Thread with just ONE post : problem
ie: /bloggers-united-f8/jeanrichard-collection-baselworld-2014-a-302/post302.html#post302
<- this thread with just one post don't have correct Canonical

Please check and come back to me.
Glad to hear issue No.1 got resolved :)

I will look into this on your site as soon as I have time :)
I've attempted to replicate this issue and this is the result: [video=youtube;7EydKgIq52Y][/video]

Please let me know if I have not followed the correct steps to replicate this problem. Note that I cleared both DBSEO cache and my browser's cache prior to attempting the steps in the video.
That's really freaking weird, but it work for me too..... :)
Thanks for your help, I assume then just needed to reset DBSEO Cache.

I will forward this to my developer and let him fix the last problem when using NGINX
Here's a ruleset that was provided by one of our members, this might work as a starting point:
location /forum/ {

try_files $uri $uri/ /forum/dbseo.php?$args;

if (-f $request_filename) {
	expires 30d;

if ($request_filename ~ "\.php$" ) {
	rewrite ^(/forum/.*)$ /forum/dbseo.php last;

if (!-e $request_filename) {
	rewrite ^/forum/(.*)$ /forum/dbseo.php last;


location ~ /forum/(.*\.php)$ {
	rewrite ^/forum/(.*)$ /forum/dbseo.php last;

Obviously this presupposes the forum is located in /forum/ :)

I've heard that using "try" is better for performance than using "if", so if your developer are able to convert all of these if conditions to try conditions and have it working, with your permission we would like to include the rule set in the official product if you would provide us with it :)
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