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Hi all.

Wanted to install this to try the auction feature you have built in. When installing I get this error and its freezes.

Updating Version Number To: 1.1.0b4

Altered Table: dbtech_classifieds_feedback
Updating Table (Stage 1): dbtech_classifieds_feedback
Updating Table (Stage 3): dbtech_classifieds_feedback
Updated Table: dbtech_classifieds_feedback

Updating Version Number To: 1.1.1
adding child to non-existent node!

Also tried an earlier version 1.1.1 but got the same freeze. Any help would be appreciated as im looking to purchase the pro version.

Thanks in advance
Hmmm. This is interesting. I've not see that bug before. I'll investigate and get back to you on it. :)
Just confirm you're running vB 4.1.1 and not 4.2.x?

It might be something to do with the older versions of vB me thinks. Still waiting on some feedback from Fillip about this atm. :)
I've found a solution. I'll update the XML properly in the next release (should be tomorrow), but in the mean time, feel free to find the following lines in the XML (product-dbtech_classifieds.xml):

						<vb:if condition="$listing['userid'] == $bbuserinfo['userid']">
						<vb:if condition="$listing['archived'] == 0">

On the line before it find and delete:


That should fix your issue and let you install the styles, etc. :)

edit: they'll be around line 2600
Thank you. Will install tomorrow and let you know of any issues.

I prefer to keep on the version im running due to modifications that have been made.
Cool. I think you might be the person that has to keep an eye out for any issues with vB 4.1 then :)
Cool. I think you might be the person that has to keep an eye out for any issues with vB 4.1 then :)


Have installed. The ACP did hang on this "Finalising Install..." I left it just incase it was updating but nothing changed. After a refresh of the ACP it seems to have installed. Going to test features now and report back any issues. Once again thanks for the fix.
You should be fine. The "Finalizing Install" issue I've been trying to trace for a while... but that shows when everything else is completed... so you'll be absolutely fine in carrying on. :)
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Legacy DragonByte Classifieds

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