DragonByte Technologies

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One of our upcoming products is a Quiz modification for vBulletin 3.8.x and 4.x

Please feel free to suggest/request features in here.

No guarantee they'll be added, but I'll look at the merits of each one and decide whether or not we can fit it into the schedule.


This sounds interesting, but as I did not see the old one, I'm not sure what it does? Is there something you can link me to? I'm sure I can come up with a suggestion or two once I see what the old one did.
I've been waiting for this for a long, long time it seems. Do you have any kind of time span for a release? Something more definitive than "the next couple months" I hope. :) This is the sole reason I've been holding off from upgrading to vB4. :)
Afraid not. Giving exact dates causes problems if something comes up and they are missed. Next few months is the best i can do until we're in dev and within a week of finishing.
Ok, so I read the old Quiz mod description. It sounds like Easy Forms? Not sure how it's a "quiz" and not just a form?
Ok, so I read the old Quiz mod description. It sounds like Easy Forms? Not sure how it's a "quiz" and not just a form?

Never used easy forms, but this was designed to let people set questionnaires and have right/wrong answers etc, give those scores and such. (Like in a quiz =P)

The new version will track winners/losers, have competitions designed around the competition, thinking of some other cool features as well but i'll have to look into the viability of them.
Ok, that's a bit different in that you're doing something with the data after it's been submitted.

Easy forms basically does what you're saying here, as far as letting you design forms for collecting user input, then posting it to forums, PMs, Database, etc. really awesome work actually.

Anyway... after the data is submitted though, it's done with it. So what you're proposing is a little different in that regard. But anyway, you should check out Easy forms anyway, just to see how he did that one if anything.

Thanks for the response and I eagerly await the release. I do have a request for the mod, though. Have you ever visited Sporcle.com ? Is there any possible way you could work in a system similar to theirs? That would make this mod top notch in my opinion and I would definitely pay extra for that kind of support. :)
Hmm, i've taken a look at their system and tbh it doesn't look like it would be very friendly for a forum layout. vBQuiz is more designed around forum use and users, Sporcle seems to be based around quizzes being designed and implemented by admins, with a lot of image use.

We'll see how the new version looks, and if theres any specific changes or additions you'd like we can look at adding them afterwards =)

Copying another system is definetely not my style however, but if there are specific ideas you think could be used i'd certainly look at implementing them.
For education purpose - Suggestions:

I would like the Quiz system to:

- prompt me (for wrong answer) the right answer and allows me to insert some sort of text (for explanation)
- Allow me to retake the Quiz with time limit/on time limit
- Tally the right and wrong answers and then give out a (percentage) score. If testers achieves certain percentage point then give tester a passed score
- Tally the A, B, C, D answers and give out a total score (in number). If xx is in A number then display A text file, if xx is in B number than display B text file
I would actually like a more detailed results page where people can see what percentage of members got each answer correct, if at all possible.

And I totally understand what you mean about Sporcle, I didn't meant to imply that you are the type to go around taking other people's work. :)
I have another idea.

I'd like a question system that would allow you to put hints on either side of the answer form.

For example:

Ridley Scott directed film with Cage & Rockwell. _______________ Comedy about aliens starring Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith.

The answer would be Matchstick Men in Black

I know it looks weird, but it's a type of trivia game I like playing and would like to bring to my forum if at all possible.
This could be useful for when my Staff take the exam before being accepted. that way I don't have to manually answer all the multi choice questions ^^
It's unbelieveble that this doesn't exists. I bought some time ago a software for quiz but the guy stopped to upgrade it 2 years ago, and obviously he doesn't have any vb4.x version. I hope you can offer a real solution for communities where "knowledge" matters (hobbies, language programming, science, movies, etc).

- value per question
- average in user's profile for every quiz taken
- group promote by x average by taking n quizzes
- integration with CMS
- countdown to answer every question, if timeout then the question is failed
- block showing quizzes ordered by: random, lastest, most taken, less taken, most completed, less completed,etc.
- single and multiple selection
- ranking of users by quiz
- categories-subcategories-subcategories-subcategories .. etc.. image for every category
- image for every quiz
- permissions by group to create quiz and approve/disapprove them

I don´t know if this will help but the news about this are very very welcome.
I have the old mod on my forum.

My suggestions.

1) The mod can become forgotten quickly if not promoted of shown. ie in vb4 it would be in the navbar.
2) Tedious to build but then writing a quiz always is.
3) Part answers system didnt always work and entering 3 instead of 3 how much scrutiny do you need for an answer. lol
4) Admin never knew a quiz was submitted unless PM'd or browsing the adminCP to see if a quiz had been submitted.
