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Database Error vbactivity 3.1.4

We are running into an issues with the activity feed part of vbactivity, When a user clicks the activity feed we end up getting a database error so we recently disabled the activity feed and haven't gotten a database error since then. Any Idea's on what the issue could be
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Please post the database error message.

When reporting an error message, please always include the actual error message as per the error report email you received :)
We have gotten over 900 of these messages in the last two days

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO vb3gxboxlive SET

userid = '16368',
gold = '1',
gamertag = 'yeabooiiiiieeee',
avatar = '',
score = '4785',
reputation = '<div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div>',
zone = '',
lastplayed = 'a:5:{i:0;a:4:{s:5:\"title\";s:18:\"Grand Theft Auto V\";s:4:\"link\";s:88:\"\";s:5:\"image\";s:94:\"\";s:10:\"lastplayed\";s:9:\"4/27/2014\";}i:1;a:4:{s:5:\"title\";s:17:\"COD: Black Ops II\";s:4:\"link\";s:88:\"\";s:5:\"image\";s:94:\"\";s:10:\"lastplayed\";s:9:\"4/13/2014\";}i:2;a:4:{s:5:\"title\";s:22:\"Call of Duty®: Ghosts\";s:4:\"link\";s:88:\"\";s:5:\"image\";s:94:\"\";s:10:\"lastplayed\";s:9:\"4/13/2014\";}i:3;a:4:{s:5:\"title\";s:13:\"Forza Horizon\";s:4:\"link\";s:88:\"\";s:5:\"image\";s:94:\"\";s:10:\"lastplayed\";s:9:\"4/13/2014\";}i:4;a:4:{s:5:\"title\";s:13:\"Battlefield 4\";s:4:\"link\";s:88:\"\";s:5:\"image\";s:94:\"\";s:10:\"lastplayed\";s:9:\"3/22/2014\";}}',
updated = '1399923363'
strikes = '0',
error = '1',
firstseen = '1399923363';

MySQL Error : Duplicate entry '16368' for key 1
Error Number : 1062
Request Date : Monday, May 12th 2014 @ 11:36:03 PM
Error Date : Monday, May 12th 2014 @ 11:36:21 PM
Script :
Referrer : DefCon Gaming
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

This is the database error that comes up after clicking the activity feed

<title> Database Error</title>
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<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="5" id="container">
<td><img src="./image.php?type=dberror" alt="Database Error" width="48" height="48"/></td>
<td id="bodytitle" width="100%">Database error</td>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2">The database has encountered a problem.</td>
<td colspan="2"><hr/></td>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2">
Please try the following:
<li>Load the page again by clicking the <a href="#" onclick="window.location = window.location;">Refresh</a> button in your web browser.</li>
<li>Open the <a href="/"></a> home page, then try to open another page.</li>
<li>Click the <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Back</a> button to try another link.</li>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2">The forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may <a href="">contact them</a> if the problem persists.</td>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2"> <br/>We apologise for any inconvenience.</td>
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/* ]]> */
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That is a bug with your gXboxLive mod, please disable it in order to stop these error messages.
I have just disabled that mod and the e-mails haven't stopped and when enabling activity again the site has crashed. Below are the db error source and e-mail

DB Source:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<title> Database Error</title>
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<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="5" id="container">
<td><img src="./image.php?type=dberror" alt="Database Error" width="48" height="48"/></td>
<td id="bodytitle" width="100%">Database error</td>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2">The database has encountered a problem.</td>
<td colspan="2"><hr/></td>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2">
Please try the following:
<li>Load the page again by clicking the <a href="#" onclick="window.location = window.location;">Refresh</a> button in your web browser.</li>
<li>Open the <a href="/"></a> home page, then try to open another page.</li>
<li>Click the <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Back</a> button to try another link.</li>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2">The forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may <a href="">contact them</a> if the problem persists.</td>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2"> <br/>We apologise for any inconvenience.</td>
<script type="text/javascript">
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/* ]]> */

DB Email:

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:

FROM vb3session
WHERE userid = 0
AND host = ''
AND idhash = 'b17231f54526ff95a967e6276c86e8d4'

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Tuesday, May 13th 2014 @ 10:56:56 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, May 13th 2014 @ 10:57:03 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
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Update= We uninstalled the xbox leaderbored plugin and updated vbactivity to current version, we are still having issues with the activity feed ie, every time the activity feed tries to load our site crashes and we get a Database error
That may happen if your forum is very large. You should disable that feature via the vBulletin Options for this mod.
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