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I know the original programmer of vboptimise is no longer working on the project, but has anyone else on the team taken to providing updates? I'm because there are several things that have changed since the last update, not to mention there are still lots of things that could be added to the product to expand its functionality.
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There's no immediate short-term plans to update it (we don't plan much further ahead than the current mod and the next mod to be updated) but if you were to post the feature suggestions you had in mind we'd certainly take them into consideration when it is time to plan it :)
okay, thanks for explaining.

There's one thing that comes to mind - combining vbulletin css and js files on the fly
okay, thanks for explaining.

There's one thing that comes to mind - combining vbulletin css and js files on the fly

Playing with/combining/caching JS files is something we have generally chosen to avoid since it often causes issues with many vbulletin modifications that use those JS files (see vbsupercharged as an example of how many mods get broken when you play with (in this case change loading position of) the JS files)

That being said we're always open to hearing new ways of doing things - if you can think of a way we could accomplish the combination without causing issues for other mods we're all ears =)
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That would make no difference, because for instance scripts like vBShout are loaded on every page (in case you want the Shoutbox on that particular page). Naturally it would be pretty pointless to exclude every page.

Unless you meant individual <script> tags, in which case that would be severely difficult to code, I believe...
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