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Hey Dark, I just got home and was told my site has been down since 9am and all I get is this DB error

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT t.* FROM credits_transaction AS t LEFT JOIN credits_event AS e ON (t.eventid = e.eventid) WHERE t.userid = 2731 AND t.status = 0 AND t.timestamp <= (1294966328 - IF(ISNULL(e.eventid), 0, e.delay)) ORDER BY t.transactionid ASC LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : Unknown table engine 'InnoDB'
Error Number : 1286

Any Ideas whats going on here????

Please pass that along to your host - for some reason the database is allowed to be innodb, but the definition for using it is missing.
What kind of information is stored there? cause the table was lost because of the innodb error and I'm wondering whether or not I can rebuild it or have to re-install everything from scratch.
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