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Alisa Lindsay

Good Morning,

I have searched and tried to fix my issue via some of the information found in threads on this forum...

However - Yes, it's me, the Technical Village Idiot! Back with questions or to beg for help.

I have vBShout Pro installed on 3 forums (bought 2, the 3rd was given to me as a gift by a friend)...


Issue #1 = I need to change the text area input (where we type the shouts) background color without changing that color in the post editor forms (i.e. using the control_focus_background stylevar will not work as it changes EVERYTHING - btw, I loathe stylevars).

Issue #2 = I need to set the default text for inputting shouts to pale gray instead of black...again, I can't do this where it will affect text input while composing posts. That needs to stay black.

Issue #3 = Is there a know way to get rid of the color that the text/shout input area appears prior to clicking on it to type. I guess when it's in "non-focus" mode. The bright, near white shade is murder.

Idle - not urgent - question: Can text colors be added to the vBShout Pro's dropdown?

Any and all advice, help, hate mail, appreciated.

Warmest Regards,

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Issue #1 = I need to change the text area input (where we type the shouts) background color without changing that color in the post editor forms (i.e. using the control_focus_background stylevar will not work as it changes EVERYTHING - btw, I loathe stylevars).
To do that, you'll need to change the relevant part of dbtech_vbshout.css - Since you know the stylevar, it should be easy to find where I mean :)
Out of curiosity, why is this needed? For consistency, shouldn't all input areas be identical?

Issue #2 = I need to set the default text for inputting shouts to pale gray instead of black...again, I can't do this where it will affect text input while composing posts. That needs to stay black.
Same as above, pretty much.

Issue #3 = Is there a know way to get rid of the color that the text/shout input area appears prior to clicking on it to type. I guess when it's in "non-focus" mode. The bright, near white shade is murder.
That'd be the input_background stylevar I believe.

Idle - not urgent - question: Can text colors be added to the vBShout Pro's dropdown?
Yeah, in vB4 we use the same system that vBulletin uses for their colour dropdown, so editing the relevant template (something like editor_toolbar_colors) and text colours work fine :)
Okay...just remember *chuckles*, YOU asked....

To do that, you'll need to change the relevant part of dbtech_vbshout.css - Since you know the stylevar, it should be easy to find where I mean :)

Surely you jest. I can barely find my way around a telephone pole to the other side! ROFLMAOKTC (KTC = Kicking the Cat... Relax, PETA, I don't HAVE a cat).

Out of curiosity, why is this needed? For consistency, shouldn't all input areas be identical?

Ordinarily, yes. This is going to be convoluted... The 3rd site I currently own is being customized for a friend of mine to buy (I hate purple, by the way). She wanted a dark board...however, some of her members don't like white text on that was the first round of tweaks.

THEN, I thought I'd be smart and use the 4.0.6 style generator and maybe start from scratch. NEVER EVER let me think and try to do technical stuff...The style generator somehow messed up the post input areas in the forums... the text edit background became light gray with black text and the Thread Title and Description fields were black with black text (That doesn't work so well, btw...if you want to see what you're typing anyway).

Well...from chaos, a miracle. Everyone LOVES the text-edit background as pale gray with black text. Voila! Half the board's population delighted in fell mistake. get the thread title/description back to being usable, I had to set the focus_control to pale gray so the black text would show up since I could not find where to change the black text to any other color text.

With me so far...? the post edit thing all fixed... input fields gray with black text, everybody happy.

But now the Shoutbox's input area is also pale gray and since the text has to be light colored to show on the black background, it's not working so good. Hence needing it to be a separate color.

Same as above, pretty much.

That'd be the input_background stylevar I believe.

Yeah, in vB4 we use the same system that vBulletin uses for their colour dropdown, so editing the relevant template (something like editor_toolbar_colors) and text colours work fine :)

And now, I sprint off in search of these other mysterious items.

And low, though I sprinted through the .css and more stylevars, 'twas all in vain.

Honestly, I'm sure your information is good. I just can't find any of it. If I could buy a clue (detailed clue, like pretend you're explaining how to do this to your dog Spot)...just on the text/shout input area, then getting the default text set to light gray or medium gray, I'd be ever so humbly grateful and probably buy something else in the near future too.

Warmest Regards,


PS: Did I mention that I LOATHE Stylevars?
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I officially surrender. I have tried editing "background-color" in numerous places in the vbshout .css. I cannot get the shout area text input section's background to change.

Please, pretty please, help.

Warmest Regards

Try opening template dbtech_vbshout_shoutbox_shoutarea_horizontal and find:

Replace with
style="width:100%; background-color:#000000"
Obviously replacing 000000 with whatever you want.
I seem to be having a simular problem, attached is the area that I cannot seem to find the var to adjust. Any help would be appretiated.


  • shouthelp.png
    89.9 KB · Views: 2
That's the alt colour definition in the colour CSS file for vbshout.

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