Hey all,
We're interested in hearing how DBSEO is performing on your site, and in order to get some more details on it we'd like it if you could take a few minutes minutes to measure this for us
If you aren't moving from vBSEO
Step 1: With the mod activated, go here: WebPagetest - Website Performance and Optimization Test and run it on your forum.php page
Step 2: Disable the mod via the Plugin Manager, and undo the .htaccess edits
Step 3: Go back to WebPageTest and re-run the tests from step 1
Step 4: Paste your result URLs in to this thread
If you are moving from vBSEO
Step 1: With vBSEO activated and DBSEO deactivated both on the forum and in the .htaccess, go here: WebPagetest - Website Performance and Optimization Test and run it on your forum.php page
Step 2: Disable vBSEO via the Plugin Manager, and undo the .htaccess edits
Step 3: Go back to WebPageTest and re-run the tests from step 1
Step 4: Disable vBSEO via the Plugin Manager, re-enable DBSEO and change the .htaccess back to the DBSEO rules
Step 5: Go back to WebPageTest and re-run the tests from step 1
Step 4: Paste your result URLs in to this thread
Please ensure you properly label the results so we know which is which. Thank you!
We're interested in hearing how DBSEO is performing on your site, and in order to get some more details on it we'd like it if you could take a few minutes minutes to measure this for us

If you aren't moving from vBSEO
Step 1: With the mod activated, go here: WebPagetest - Website Performance and Optimization Test and run it on your forum.php page
Step 2: Disable the mod via the Plugin Manager, and undo the .htaccess edits
Step 3: Go back to WebPageTest and re-run the tests from step 1
Step 4: Paste your result URLs in to this thread
If you are moving from vBSEO
Step 1: With vBSEO activated and DBSEO deactivated both on the forum and in the .htaccess, go here: WebPagetest - Website Performance and Optimization Test and run it on your forum.php page
Step 2: Disable vBSEO via the Plugin Manager, and undo the .htaccess edits
Step 3: Go back to WebPageTest and re-run the tests from step 1
Step 4: Disable vBSEO via the Plugin Manager, re-enable DBSEO and change the .htaccess back to the DBSEO rules
Step 5: Go back to WebPageTest and re-run the tests from step 1
Step 4: Paste your result URLs in to this thread
Please ensure you properly label the results so we know which is which. Thank you!