Question Regarding Downloads Product


Hey guys!

First off, love the add-ons you guys have been creating, they're really useful!

I'm considering purchasing the Downloads product, however, I had quick question before going ahead with it. One function I'd really like to see in the download section of my site is the ability to upload and manage screenshots for the file, much like you could in the Downloads II package (Although, perhaps with the ability to re-arrange screenshots afterwards).

Will the downloads package ever include this functionality? It would really help me to make up my mind if so :)

Thanks in advance!
We actually have something exactly like this in development at the moment and should be ready very very soon (within the next few days).
We actually have something exactly like this in development at the moment and should be ready very very soon (within the next few days).

That certainly is good news! :) If its what I'm looking for I guess I'll just have to buy it lol ;)

Thanks for the quick reply :)