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Hi Fillip H.,

I know you are busy with lots of debugging etc, but I just wanted to ask when do you think you will be implementing the MEMORY feature you spoke about.

I forgot the name of what it would be called, but basically the memory redirects... when we change the URL structures that it automatically sends search results to the new location.

Thanks again, and appreciate your time.

This was implemented in Beta 8, released on Dec 9. The name we gave the feature was "URL Rewrite History" :)
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Ok that is interesting, now I am nervious lol

So you can imagine it's not something I want to just go ahead with without questions ;)

Right then

Do I need to backup the old URLS?

And if I go into the URL settings I can just change them around to suit and it will be automatically re-directed...

I will backup my database as I believe you store the URLS in the database right?

Cheers Fillip H.

Ah, I just noticed I misread your OP - I edited my previous post with the correct information.

It's entirely automatic, so you don't need to backup anything :) It will only attempt to look for historical entries if it isn't able to find a match with any of the current URL formats.
It will only record entries in that table if you changed the URL formats via the DBSEO AdminCP.

In other words, if you changed the URL format, then restored a backup, you will not be able to redirect the URLs generated prior to the restoration.

However, you can work around this by going to the DBSEO AdminCP, re-making the configuration you had before you restored (manually, don't think about restoring anything else :p) then switch it back over to your new desired format (again, manually).

That way, the urlhistory table will be populated.
Ok Cheers,

I restored my database as I crapped myself then I Re-imported the VBSEO file (config.xml)

The good news is I can get it back...

Fillip H., Can I ask before I proceed - does it keep two copies or will it 301 REDIRECT?
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