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We have VBShop integrated with currencies from VBCredits. The wallet totals are displaying correctly and the buttons are correct for "purchase" "out of stock" or "insufficient funds" but when members purchase items it is not deducting the points from their wallet.

When you click "Sell Back" they do however get the points returned effectively being able to create points for themselves out of nowhere.
Can you please PM me the username and password for your htaccess configuration? The information you provided last time does not work, and I'm not able to submit any forms in the AdminCP until the htaccess has been successfully bypassed.
Also could you please try downloading vBCredits Pro again? There's been some updates that may have resolved this :)
I've passed the FTP / forum info along to @Darkwaltz4 after confirming this isn't a vBShop issue. It's possible the vBCredits update didn't fully solve it.
Update: The issue was that you set an Owner ID of the shop, and that user would then get paid the credits spent in the shop.

The Owner field in the shop list is designed to work with User Shops, and will allow that user to add new custom items to the inventory in the front-end :)

I've sorted it on your site and this should no longer be an issue for you :)
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