Bug page 2 in the Thanks / Likes tab on the usercp goes to a 404

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I finally got the addon installed (after hours and hours of post-table modifications!), and we're quite happy with it.

We just have one small issue, on the usercp, if you try to go to the second page of the Post Thanks / Like tab, the link doesn't work.

The link looks like this: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/&page=2#thanks

Did I maybe fudge something in the install?
Can you try re-downloading the mod and re-uploading /dbtech/thanks/includes/class_profileblock.php - I made a hotfix to attempt to fix another issue, hopefully this takes care of that issue too :)
Ah okay, I wasn't sure on when you had downloaded the file vs. when I had uploaded the hotfix.

I confirmed and fixed the issue, vB 3.8 takes different parameters to the "construct page nav" function than vB4 :)

If you check the file again now you should find it fixed for you :)
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