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One of our top players got the shock of his life...
He currently has 4,294,967,295 Notifications To take part in the tournament.

He is waiting for others to finish the last round::




No other Member has this problem.

How do I clear the notifications for him?
It means they accidentally went negative with the alerts. Can you tell me anything you can about what they were/werent doing when it happened?

I was hoping I kept everything making sense, but I must have missed a scenario. Unfortunately, the only way to fix is to reset all of the tournament stuff (otherwise when it wants to add/remove more alerts, it assumes you had already add/removed some elsewhere to compensate). so maybe finish up any current tournaments before doing that (theres a link to 3 queries you need to run - NOT the delete tournament functionality).
Also as an update this may help you.
1st player finished his rounds upto Round 3 and was waiting for the opponent, he noticed later on in the evening that he had these notifications.

Today the next user that has advanced to Round three has also suffered the same he has: 4,294,967,370 Notifications.

Not that I know anything but it looks like when they have entered the last phase they both got these notifications.

I have Deleted all Tournaments, I've reset dbtech_vbarcade_matchcount=0

I am going to ask them to repeat the game and try and find out if and when the error occurs.
that would be enormously helpful, thank you

ps - the reason it jumps to an large number is because the field in the database is set to be non-negative (unsigned). so when it tries to deduct 1 from 0 (which should not happen, which is want to find and fix, instead of just allowing negatives) then it circles back around and gives the highest number available on that system, which is the 4 trillion you get there.
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Just thinking about what you said...

Before I started the game that shown the zillions of notifications,
I created a Tournament all notifications were sent, but the game didn't record the scores so i decided to cancel and deleted that tournament and then created the one where the error occurred, could that possibly be the reason why it returned to the zillions...what do i know lol...I'll leave the confusing bits to you

The game has started just got to wait now.
Do you get scores not working for other games or just the one? Does it record scores outside of the tournament?

Deleting a tournament is supposed to deduct the proper number of alerts as well, so try repeating that again too :) after you finish the redo tournament though.
it was just that game...I normally just pull local scores must have been a rogue.
I will try and find the game again i can't remember at the moment but i will try and recreate the exact scenario...after the current tournament

All games are and normally do record to the arcade, including those from the tournaments.
Just an update, Nothing that i or a user is doing makes this happen.

I logged in this evening and I had advanced to the next round 2/3
I had 0 Notifications - (Just incase it's important) I have advanced as the opponent forfeited his game

I played the game and hey presto...zillions of notifications.
odd thing is that the others that have advanced to Round 2 haven't suffered the same.

I have now advanced to the final round so i will clear my dbtech_vbarcade_matchcount to 0 and await the other finalist and see what happens then...all that can advance to the next level have 0 Notifications
notifications happen thusly:

+1 when invited
-1 when confirmed

+1 when opponent added to your match (if you have no attempts)
-1 when first attempt done (if you have an opponent)

-1 when tournament deleted (per match that you have an opponent and no attempts)

resetting matchcount to 0 is not going to help here, because vbarcade isnt aware of what it SHOULD have been, so will just blindly -1 again as per above, causing the same issue, except for possibly legitimate reasons.
when resetting matchcount, you need to also reset all the matches (and thus, all the tournaments), to keep the situation honest.
So taking in mind what you have said. no games have been deleted, all players matchcount is currently 0 excluding one who didn't turn up his is still at 1 ~ so why when i just played the game and advanced to next level did i receive zillions of notifications

the explanation you are giving is logical but the logic isn't been played out in situation I'm explaining.
As you know for this tournament i reset all the notifications i deleted all games and set off as if i had just installed the product.

with no interference from me - except setting up the challenge and of course playing the rounds - it has given me -1 (zillions) for no reason. just me no other player.

Remember I was in round 2 - 0 Notifications - all is well everything working as you explain.
play the round to get in to finals and bingo from nowhere -1 why?

The original post at the beginning of this thread only the finalists got this error.
Thanks to my writing it out, i decided to do a careful audit of my interaction with matchcount, and discovered some places it needs fixing:

in (forum)/dbtech/vbarcade/functions_arcade.php find

$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET dbtech_vbarcade_matchcount = dbtech_vbarcade_matchcount + 1 WHERE userid IN (" . $winner['userid'] . ( !$other['attempt'] ? ', ' . $other['userid'] : '' ) . ")");

replace with

$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET dbtech_vbarcade_matchcount = dbtech_vbarcade_matchcount + 1 WHERE userid IN (" . $winner['userid'] . ( (!$found['attempt'] AND !$found['status']) ? ', ' . $found['userid'] : '' ) . ")");

please reset everything and try to repeat again :D i was adding to the wrong userid and under the wrong circumstance.
i still have the problem, not new but the old notifcations will not leave. not sure what i'm doing wrong as I've uploaded the newest version and now i have just tried the above change (which was already changed with the update) but the 4 trillion are still there :)
I've deleted all old tournaments and when i run the querie i get this error

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TRUNCATE TABLE dbtech_vbarcade_tourn
UPDATE user SET dbtech_vbarcade_matchcount' at line 2
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