
Maybe you can do this with an existing DBT mod (and if you can, please let me know!), but I'd like to be able to set criteria like you can in vBA, but what I'd want to do are various things like:

Change the users title
Increase their PM max
Change the display Group
Add/Remove Rep

Etc... Mostly right now I'd like to see the Change User Title and the Display Group. Basically I just want these things automated on whatever criteria.
hmm, not sure if this is something we'd do purely because it's already achievable in a couple of ways already - either using vBs in built usergroup perms to promote people to new usergroups with updated permissions, or by them buying the permissions from the shop.
Cosmic, yes, you can do some of this with various methods. But you can't really do them automated. The only thing you can set for criteria really for say usergroup promotions is mostly just post count and such. But I can't set a display group automatically based on post count, or has logged in in X days or any of the other fields based on anything, but posts and rep.

vBShop works great for anything that isn't automated and I love the product. But for anything automated, it's just not possible with shop. Anyway, take a look around at the things in the adminCP and see if maybe something sparks your interest as far as what couldn't be done. If not, no worries, but... keep it in mind while poking around things. =)

Mostly, I'd like to see changes to vBA to do these things as it's the perfect place for it. I'd like to reward my members for doing certain things, in different ways than are currently possible with vBA. =)
So as an example of what you want your saying something like if a user sends X amount of PM's they get a new user rank called "Private eye" or something as an example and earn an extra 10 PM messages to store? something like that? i think that'd be a cool idea to have for giving users extra things for earning certain achievements.

i dunno if its possible already but you could have it so when a user posts X amount of posts in Y forum they gain access to Z forum. or if the user wins X amount of TT they unlock or gain a new vB avatar part, If a user uploads X attachments they can unlock a new font/post text color to use. could be very useful if it could be linked to other mods DB-Tech have. love the idea Trekk :)
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