Bug MySQL Error Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine

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Hello guys,
I started receiving this error today. Hope someone can help me out?

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO credits_transaction (eventid, actionid, userid, timestamp, amount, status, referenceid, forumid, ownerid, multiplier, currencyid, negate, message) VALUES (11, 'paycheck', 30994, 1358312400, 10, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ''), (11, 'paycheck', 30994, 1358398800, 10, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ''), (11, 'paycheck', 30994, 1358485200, 10, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '');

MySQL Error : Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine
Error Number : 1467

That's not a bug in vBCredits, it's a problem with your MySQL installation.

According to a quick Google search, there's 2 ways to fix the problem:
1. Try running this:
ALTER TABLE `credits_transaction`  AUTO_INCREMENT =1
2. If the above did not work, try these:
ALTER TABLE `credits_transaction` DROP PRIMARY KEY
ALTER TABLE `credits_transaction` ADD PRIMARY KEY(transactionid)

Let me know how that goes, or if you need further assistance :)
Yep you are right its not VB credits. I turned off the hooks and still get this error. Thanks I will try your suggestions..
Does the error appear with more than one database table? If so, you may have a HDD corruption on your hands. If it is a hardware problem, you'll want to contact your host A.S.A.P. to see if they can help save your data.

I don't actually know if a HDD corruption could cause this, I don't mean to give you a scare where none is needed, but your host might know :)
YES it is in more thank one table. I have been having problems with my host the past few days. Who knows WTF they did.
Ouch, that sounds pretty bad :(

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