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I really am enjoying the shoutbox, however after lots of testing these are the things myself and my members have confirmed.


Also the text I posted appears for 1 second and disappears for 4 seconds and appears again lol.

3. After a couple days of shouts, the shoutbox starts to get laggy too. I tried both the file system option on and off, but the only way to solve it currently is to prune the shoutbox every day or so.

For most these things might be only minor, but my shoutbox can be quite busy at times so they can be more of a problem for my site.
#1: Can you give me more details regarding what happened when you got the Invalid Response from server error?

#2: The only reason I can think of for this is the AOP system, does it happen with it turned off as well?

#3: Could you enable the Slow Query Log option in MySQL and tell me if any vBShout queries show up there? That's really the only way to tell which queries need improving :)
1. How do I turn off the aop system? Is that the file system option? If so, I have turned it off again now.

2. I just looked at the folder vbshout/aop - I removed all files except index.html just to bring it back to what it was originally. I checked it was chmod correctly too. But I did notice before deleting that all files were 0 bytes. Was that correct?

3. Also where is the command and shout log stored? If I want to prune the those where do I do that?
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1. Correct :)

2. Also correct :)

3. dbtech_vbshout_log and dbtech_vbshout_deeplog tables (latter only relevant if you have deep logging enabled, which could be a source of lag.)
I'm ny 100% sure if they are, though :P
We really haven't had much experience with this on large boards, but we do have a few optimizations planned :)
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