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When an image is inserted into a post with these codes:


Then it shows up in the slider. However when an image is inserted using this code:


Then it does not show up in the slider.

Why is that please?
No sorry, that does not seem to be the issue. Is it perhaps when an adsense add is placed above the image?

If you look at this thread:

School ver 2 by proff1

There is an adsense add above the image. I am not sure if it is that, but the image does not show on the slider.

Well I don't get it. Something is not right. Some posts just does not show the images on the slider. And I cannot make out why!? :confused:
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Yeah, I am seeing that some work just fine while others don't. And they are all inserted via the attach tag?
I was trying to look at your settings while on my break at work, but for some reason your site was taking awhile to load. I even got 503 Server not Available errors while trying to access the ACP. I will look into it later this evening.

Brad via Tapatalk
There was a time last night where I was busy working on a lot of things, and it might have been during this time. It should be good to go now. Thanks Brad!
It started loading up and then all of the sudden this:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Tried refreshing several times and nothing...
I don't understand why you get that. I am having no issues like that at the moment. I posted a support ticket with my host now about that too. Can you perhaps try one more time please. Thanks.
You still having issues with vBOptimize? When I just tried logging into the ACP to look at the settings, I got the following:

Fatal error: Xcache not installed in [path]/includes/class_datastore.php on line 528

OH man....just wanted to write here, that they are working on my server, and I will let you know when they are done. Sorry about that!
Figured out your issue. You are trying to load 105 LARGE images onto a single page (of a couple that loaded, they were 1920x1280 and 1440x900). The reason some of them aren't showing up is because the browser hasn't finished downloading them. Plus, with everything else on the page, its going to take a lot of time, and I'm guessing the server is timing out or something. I ran a webpage test on it (WebPagetest Test Details - Jiangsu : - 05/16/12 02:49:34) and it timed out in its evaluation, and it had only loaded 1 image that was associated with the slider. The slider currently does NOT resize images, it just resizes via CSS to get it to fit inside the content box. One of the 1440x900 images was 313Kb, so assuming that is the average, you are loading over 32MB of images on your homepage right now. then I assume I will have to remove the slider. As it is then not going to work how I wished. Not your fault though, and I appreciate the effort Brad. Thank you very much.
Something you could possibly do is make the slider a widget in one of the side columns, make it pull in only IMG tags (which will probably make it pull in nothing), and make the default image more inline with just "Latest Themes". That way you are still showing off the threads, just not any screenshots. It would make it basically a "Latest Threads" widget, but it would display them one at a time and animated. Just a thought, as unless you have the themers provide the initial screenshot in the thread to an optimized image that fits the size of the slider, I just don't see how you can load in that many images and not run into issues.

To expand on my last thought, you could direct your themers to Free Image Optimizer - Compress and resize photos and have them post the optimizer version in the thread, then you might be able to do it. I grabbed one of the images (1280x800, 236k) and ran it through the optimizer, resulting in an image that was 480x300 and only 22k. I just took a guess on the size of your slider, but I think you get the point. Of course, its up to you! :RpS_thumbup:
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