
As you guys may know LiveTopic is only available for 3.5+ none for 4.0+

For those who do not know what Live topic is : it's a mod that refreshes the page With AJAX so users will see a post as it's submitted without refreshing the page. great bandwidth and resources saver for a busy forum night :D plus the Live feel that this gives to the forum and encourages people to reply. As you are looking at a thread a new post will magically pop out :D

For some reason the developer fell off the face of the earth. and didn't update this great little mod to work with 4.0+

GUYS get something like it for VB 4. your reputation will sky rocket over at
I for one will pay for it

Hope you let us know if this is something that interest you
I heartily and totally concur. This is the one mod we wanted ported over to v4.x that wasn't. I can't see how you'd get a free/gold mod out of this, but I know it would be worth it to a lot of people.
We'll look into it for sure =)

Would say however that using AJAX usually uses more resources, rather than less (which is why it's not standard with vB).

Certainly something we'll look into during the next round of new products.
In theory you are probably correct. BUT I would think if the forum gets heated, and the crazies start refreshing over and over trying to "win" their argument, AJAX makes loads of sense ... Any way looking forward to see it in action :d
We'll look into it for sure =)

Would say however that using AJAX usually uses more resources, rather than less (which is why it's not standard with vB).

Certainly something we'll look into during the next round of new products.

I learned quite a bit by working on this project, mainly I learned how the vBulltin javascript post methods worked. The only thing that really upset me about the end product was that I had to overload some of vBulletin's javascript.

Does vb4 have even more javascript than vb3?

My concern is would using a Live Topic type of modification along with vBNotification which also uses AJAX, slow the server down even more?

I'm considering installing AJAX Live Search on my site soon. LOL My site is going to be 'ajax'd the hell out' by the end of the year.