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Hi, just installed the lite version as a try out, couple of quick questions please, I can't seem to find any instructions on how to do all this.

1. In the vbulletin config.php file, I would assume I have to change this to whichever method I am using, is that correct? I'm using filecache at the moment.


// Here you can configure different methods for caching datastore items.

// vB_Datastore_Filecache - to use includes/datastore/datastore_cache.php

// vB_Datastore_APC - to use APC

// vB_Datastore_XCache - to use XCache

// vB_Datastore_Memcached - to use a Memcache server, more configuration below

$config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_Filecache';

2. If I ask my host to install Xcache, do I need to change any settings, I have noticed there is a lot you can do/change in xcache, llike set max users and max connections and amount of ram etc. etc. or do I just do a striaghtforward install and then set vboptimise to use it?

3. Is memcache the preferred one to use? I'm really at a loss as to which one to ask my host to install?


filecache is working great so far and is doing away with a couple of queries already, looking forward to running the pro version, will buy it after xmas shopping is all done, lol. ;)
If you using xcache then yes in the config.php you pick vB_Datastore_XCache and in vBO settings you also choose xcache.

When installed, the default settings should work for you other then the edits noted above an maybe auth.

I use memcache, and its working great so far
Hi, just installed the lite version as a try out, couple of quick questions please, I can't seem to find any instructions on how to do all this.

1. In the vbulletin config.php file, I would assume I have to change this to whichever method I am using, is that correct? I'm using filecache at the moment.

2. If I ask my host to install Xcache, do I need to change any settings, I have noticed there is a lot you can do/change in xcache, llike set max users and max connections and amount of ram etc. etc. or do I just do a striaghtforward install and then set vboptimise to use it?

3. Is memcache the preferred one to use? I'm really at a loss as to which one to ask my host to install?


filecache is working great so far and is doing away with a couple of queries already, looking forward to running the pro version, will buy it after xmas shopping is all done, lol. ;)
#1 See Bravo's post.

#2 As far as I know, you may need to setup a user/password for xCache.

#3 There is only a marginal difference in performance between cachers. This one is user preference really.
Just a note that the maginal difference is between xcache and memcache, things like filecache are MUCH less effective.
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