Bug How to config to use "Verify Email Before Registration"

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New member
i uploaded all file in folder upload,.... everything in Readme.txt
Stick Yes "Enable Verify Email Before Registration"

But when i test on my localhost, i go to register.php and this form is showing
Don't show any form to verify before registration :(

Please help me how to use this function

P/S: website above not mine but this site fix it successful
Please enter your own domain and not someone else's - until you do so, we will be unable to assist you :)
ok, edited :D
But I must install this mod on my forum or not? Because I want everything alright on my localhost before using on my forum.
Update: I have now familiarised myself with the mod and I can confirm this is an issue even on the current development version of v2.0.0.

I will fix it for v2.0.0 which is scheduled to go into Pro-only Beta tonight, with a Lite version hopefully to follow one week from today.

I'm not sure if I can back-port the fix, I will have to look into that once I have it working in v2.

Thank you for your patience, and sorry for the inconvenience :(
Update #2: I believe I have fixed it, if you re-download and re-upload /dbtech/registration/register_start.php you should have it working :)
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