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New member

I have a question for all those who are using vBActivity Pro and using .vBActivity Awards.

Can you please point out for me that how vBActivity Awards are better than Yet Another Awards System? I am currently using Lite version of vBActivity and Yet Another Awards System but if vBActivity Awards are better then I would like to purchase a pro version. Well you can say that I should decide this myself but I am very confused because they both looks alike.

If anyone could differentiate between their features or good/bad functionality then it will be a great help to me.

In Pro, you can set awards as prizes for activity contests, for one :)

I don't know what the other mod does but vbactivity has an award directory that usergroups you allow can nominate and request awards from.

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If i remember correctly one of our customers Trekkan used to use YAAS, perhaps he would let you know =)
YAAS is primarily a way to set awards for people manually. If that's all you need and you are good with, you're probably fine with it. But issues that I had with it are:

It's not really supported very well.

It's coded poorly over a long period of time, lots of overhead (my opinion).

The layout is much more difficult to navigate.

Overall, it just didn't run anywhere near as smoothly or efficiently as vBActivity does for me.

There's also a lot of features VBA has that it doesn't (check the pro version feature list and you'll see).

Ultimately what I looked at were the above things, but more importantly how little I had to do in order to get what I wanted out of the product. If you look at the end result of "there are awards in my postbit", it doesn't appear there's much difference. But when you look at the admin side of things and the other features of VBA, it's just a far superior product in my opinion.
First of all thank you Trekkan for you help.

I am using YAAS since a long time. I started looking into vBActivity Awards because I dislike handling of awards in YAAS.

I give awards to members yearly on the anniversary of my forums. I had to create separate category for every year in YAAS and I dont like it (designing awards images every year again and again). If I dont design different awards every year and assign the earlier ones again then in YAAS (if I dont create separate categories for every year, then) in-case a same award is given to a member multiple times it shows multiple times while I want it to just show one award and say that this user has been awarded this award two times.
Is it possible in vBActivity?
If not then how can I handle yearly based awards better in vBActivity?

P.S. I dont care about automation. But lets say if I need this too, then If a member won the same contest multiple times, then how vBActivity handle them?

Again thank you everyone for helping me with this issue.
If they have received no other awards then in the postbit the same award will be shown twice.
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