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Kirk Voclain

I am here on the Doc: DragonByte Tech Documentation

Under vBActivity Configuration/Managing Criteria

Forgive me for being stupid????? But this totally does not make any since to me?

I've had this MOD now for some time....and today I blocked off the day....took off work.....and I'm committed to getting this thing to work....TODAY!!!

But this is like the 3rd time I get to this level...and I'm stumped.....

I'll break down each of my questions:

• Field: What you are comparing (such as the Activity level, the amount of Posts, Threads, etc).

So...."comparing"??? I don't get it? Activity level...but lower is Posts and Threads....and Contest, points, prizes....all kinds of stuff? What is this "FIELD"???

• Type: Value or Points. The difference is that Value compares the value, i.e. the amount of Posts or Threads, whereas Points uses the points total from the Field, i.e. how many points you have got because of Posts or Threads.

What POINTS? Where? The Field option again....says nothing about POINTS????? There is a POINTS option...but what does that have to do with POSTS and THREADS??? So confusing???

• Comparison: The mathematical aspect of the Criteria, whether it is less than, equal to, etc.

To what? I get MATH.... < less than...... > greater than.... = equal to..... <= less than or equal to......>= greater than or equal to.....

I totally understand that...but what are we "Comparing"???? Still confused?

• Value: The value you are using with the Comparison. For example, 100 Posts or Threads.

What is VALUE? the Value of what...what are we adding up?

I hate to ask this...I guess that is why last time I got to this point, I just disabled the MOD.....Maybe if you can pretend I'm in the 3rd grade and get me past this step I can then get to some harder stuff.....

Thanks for your help!!!

It would be easier for me to illustrate by example, could you tell me what criteria you're trying to set up?
It would be easier for me to illustrate by example, could you tell me what criteria you're trying to set up? is why I want this......

The over all complaint on my forum...over and over again is this:

JUST BECAUSE someone POSTS A WHOLE does not mean that they are a great member.

IT is said they could just say: Great every thread started and they will come off as a great member because they have thousands of posts.

So....STARTING NEW threads is something I want to reward.
POSTING of images within threads is something I want to STRONGLY reward (It's a Professional Photography Forum).
Logging in every day.....reward.
I'm about to buy your Thread Rating Mod....I would like to reward those who RATE a Thread...good or bad....but that rate it.

I would like to give a tiny reward for Thanking or Linking a post.

Everyone on my site has to PAY for RATING SYSTEM was my idea to offer Discounts to those who get rewards....or even give them FREE access.

Because it's a PAY site....REPUTATIONS is turned using this as part of the this MOD is useless to me.

Blogs is not used
Calendar is not used
Confirming Friends is not used

Days registered is useless....because it's a pay site....I would rather give awards or rewards for those who have paid for access for more than 3 years....5 years....10 years....etc.

Infractions is also not used.

Basically....people post problems they are having....they post images showing what they are doing or if they need help with something....and advice is given. All of my people are PROFESSIONAL people..they are busy...they all run very successful businesses and TIME is critical.

I was hoping that this would be a way to show my appreciation for those who show loyalty to the site.

Does that help?

Thanks for all you do.

Sorry, I don't understand how any of that is related to my question :(

I'm telling you how I want to use it....I don't understand Criteria? I dont have any criteria set up because I don't understand what it even'm telling you how I want to use it and what I want it to do so you can suggest to me some criteria to put in....maybe if I get it started and then put something in...then I'll start understanding what it is.

Ah okay, I understand now, thanks :)

The Criteria aren't used to reward people, they're used to give people Achievements. For instance, you could set up a criteria like "[Posts] >= 10000" and then create an Achievement called "It's Over Ten Thousaaaaand!" using that Criteria you created.

That would automatically award that Achievement to people who have 10k posts or more.

You can edit the Points Settings and turn off all the features you don't need, and modify the rewards for the features you do need.

Does that make it clearer?
Ah okay, I understand now, thanks :)

The Criteria aren't used to reward people, they're used to give people Achievements. For instance, you could set up a criteria like "[Posts] >= 10000" and then create an Achievement called "It's Over Ten Thousaaaaand!" using that Criteria you created.

That would automatically award that Achievement to people who have 10k posts or more.

You can edit the Points Settings and turn off all the features you don't need, and modify the rewards for the features you do need.

Does that make it clearer?

YES...that really, really does few more we go.....

1. Under Points "Social Group Messages" just what VB calls "Groups"???
2. Under Points Settings....Contest Won is one of the options.....what "CONTESTS" are we talking about? Is this a VB thing or is it Dragonbyte thing that I don't have? I don't know of any "CONTESTS" that are part of VB? Help me understand what "Contests" are?
3. Under Criteria....the very first choice is: Field "Activity Level" that ALL of the POINTS combined? Thus you could set a Criteria of "[Activity Level] >= 10000" and then create an Achievement called "You are SUPER ACTIVE in all areas of the site!" Is that what "Activity Level" is for?
4. And if that is what "Activity Level" is that different or the same as "Points Total"? Seems to be the same? or not? Please explain and help?
5. The next field is either "Value" or "Points"....I understand POINTS based upon your example above about the POST POINTS SYTEM and making a Criteria to award an Achievement....thank you....but what is a situation where you would use "Value" as the type.
6. And based upon question 5. what would I then put in the "Value" Field?

Thanks for helping me through this......I'm determine to make it work!!!! I think it's going to be a great POSITIVE for my forum!!!


1. Under Points "Social Group Messages" just what VB calls "Groups"???
Correct :)

2. Under Points Settings....Contest Won is one of the options.....what "CONTESTS" are we talking about?
vBActivity contests :)

3. Under Criteria....the very first choice is: Field "Activity Level" that ALL of the POINTS combined? Thus you could set a Criteria of "[Activity Level] >= 10000" and then create an Achievement called "You are SUPER ACTIVE in all areas of the site!" Is that what "Activity Level" is for?
No. If you look at the postbit here on DBTech - click the second "dot" from the right and you'll see vBActivity stats. Activity Level is the "Level" you see in that display.

4. And if that is what "Activity Level" is that different or the same as "Points Total"?
"Activity Level" is the level a person's attained with their activity points. "Points Total" is the amount of activity points they have attained.

5. The next field is either "Value" or "Points"....I understand POINTS based upon your example above about the POST POINTS SYTEM and making a Criteria to award an Achievement....thank you....but what is a situation where you would use "Value" as the type.
As described in my example above, if you want to make an achievement for having posted more than ten thousand posts, you would use "Value". If you want to make an achievement based on the number of points someone has gained for posting.

6. And based upon question 5. what would I then put in the "Value" Field?
Depends on the achievement you want to create :)
OK...this is starting to make since...thanks....I'm sure I'm going to have more questions......but for question is ATTACHMENTS....can I add POINTS for ATTACHMENTS some how????

Sorry, I thought I had responded to this: Points for Attachments will be a feature of the upcoming v3.1.0, scheduled to go into Beta tonight :)
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Legacy vBActivity & Awards

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