I am very pleased to see this up and running again. One of the reasons for not upgrading to vB4 was waiting for a decent shoutbox script to be built...now I can keep my 2-year shout history :)

Welcome aboard the DBtech train, hope your stay is long and enjoyable, if you need anything please feel free to ask. Glad your enjoying what we have to offer and i hope we continue to have what you need. :)
Good to have you here =)

The importing of shouts to the new shoutbox isn't currently a feature, but i'm going to discuss it with fillip and see if we can work out a way to do it. I'm hopeful that it's possible =)
Good to have you here =)

The importing of shouts to the new shoutbox isn't currently a feature, but i'm going to discuss it with fillip and see if we can work out a way to do it. I'm hopeful that it's possible =)
That would be great...I'm thinking it can be done. If you guys can't figure it out, I"ll see if I can bastardize a way to do it :D
Hey guys, I was able to successfully import my own shouts. It doesn't include commands or anything else. Just shouts. Here's how I did it:
INSERT INTO dbtech_vbshout_shout
FROM infernoshout

I ran this directly in phpmyadmin. Obviously, table prefixes will have to be considered, but if you put this into a php script, you can do that easily. :)
=P Thars yer prahblem! xD

We usually send out an email each week letting people know whats due out, whats been released, any upcoming price changes etc. Thats all the admin emails are used for here, so it's worthwhile having them turned on =P