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Just wanted to share my mokeups with the community and staff :) I did this because I like vBShop but its interface of gifts is not good, As I want to see it improved in future versions so decided to make some mokeups in Photoshop :)

I will also show you postbit_legacy gift interface mokeup.

This is my first contribution for the DragonByte Technologies, So looking forward to see your feedback and implementation.

Thank you.

Profile "Gifts" Block


Profile "Gifts" Tab

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First question i guess is did you copy the display of another mod? If so, we can't use it =P
Cosmic, How you say this? :(

I spent 2 hours to make these mokeups in the photoshop and these are pure my own ideas, there is no mod out there that displaying profile tab like I did. If you don't beleive I can give you the original psd files :)
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Wasn't accusing you of anything - I just don't use other peoples mods, and it's possible you took the idea from another one (you didn't say it was all your own work =) ) Just pointing out that if the layout is the same as another modifications then we can't really use it ^.^

If it's original though i'll let Fillip H. decide if he wants to use this layout =)
Thanks, Yes its good to not use other peoples works. But here we are trying to make our mods better and more better, That's why I did a try to help you improve your excellent mod :)

Thanks again and all the very best.
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