Good Grief,
vBulletin is suing XenoForo not the other way around!!

vBulletin will be there as long as people keep giving them $$$
Appalling gamesmanship. How on earth do they know what the code is if it's not released. It's almost as if they're trying to get a look at the code themselves... :D
Wow, this move alone makes me not want to support vB in any way now. My site is currently dependent on it, but... this is just sad.

They haven't seen the code... They have no idea of anything other than it's obviously a better product and they are scared. I mean shit, it's not even out yet... pathetic of vB...
I think vb is pissed about it because it throws a monkey wrench into their plans to go to vB 5.0 and charge us again. Until now vB has had people by the jewels by providing one of the top forum software.

With the release of XenForo looming they are like a peacock and showing their feathers, I do not believe anything will become of it if it is truly coded from scratch.
Why would Kier, Mike and Ashley risk coding something that was based on vB code? Surely they would have thought of that whole problem of being sued beforehand. Ozzy hits the nail on the head I think.
It sure is, I bought my copy today, now just need to play around with it and see how good it is!!
We've got our running on a super secret domain. It's totally not, so don't even try that in the next few days, that'd just be obvious and silly.

Can I get a statement from the business here on what I can expect from DB-Tech in the next 6-12 months?

I'm getting an uneasy feeling from things I'm reading here and other places on the net being said by your developers/team.

I've paid for a couple of your vB mods and instead of seeing some progress on documentation, I'm seeing mods being ported for xF.

If this now means the "cycle" on paid mods being updated is stretched even further, I need to know because that affects the 'support' that I bought into.


Can I get a statement from the business here on what I can expect from DB-Tech in the next 6-12 months?

I'm getting an uneasy feeling from things I'm reading here and other places on the net being said by your developers/team.

I've paid for a couple of your vB mods and instead of seeing some progress on documentation, I'm seeing mods being ported for xF.

If this now means the "cycle" on paid mods being updated is stretched even further, I need to know because that affects the 'support' that I bought into.



We are porting and creating mods for both XenForo and vBulletin, as has been the plan for several months now. From the start DBTech was envisioned to end up as a multi-platform developer house. XenForo allowed us to do this in an easier and less time consuming way than our original plan (which was IPB/Facebook).

We still have the same aims and goals in terms of update cycles. In many ways this will save us time, as instead of creating entire new products in order to maintain profitability, we are able to port products to a new platform which takes significantly less time.

This means that in comparison with us focusing solely on vBulletin, developing for XenForo also will keep the times between updates for products etc shorter.

While in an ideal world we would be able to pause everything and add very feature request etc to all of our products, thats simply not possible. To do so would very quickly bankrupt DragonByte Tech. because we do not force people to pay for support as an extra, or have any sort of monthly recurring subscription fees etc, we maintain profitability by creating and releasing new products. With XenForo we will be able to spend more time upgrading products, and less time creating new products from scratch.

We still very much intend to stay on the cutting edge of forum mods and software, and keep pace with the needs of our customers (including creating new products). There will be little to no difference in product creation/upgrade time with the addition of XenForo mods to our portfolio.

As far as a roadmap for the next 6-12 months, Things tend to change far too often in this market for us to have one of those. Products we could plan now would no longer be relevant, or things which just now are unneeded may become requested and popular.

In relation to Documentation, the issue has always been the same: When it comes down to where to spend our time, the vast majority of our users prefer us to spend it creating new features instead of writing time consuming documentation. We are always happy to help on the forums with any questions that ma arise, or anything you may wish to know about the products.

As a little aside, support isn't something you pay for here at DBTech, it is offered for free, and continues to be offered even if the period of your license expires =)

You can read more about our aims and goals in terms of updates etc in our T&C/Mission Statement here:

Hope that answers your questions =)

My uneasiness really stems from comments along the lines of "not liking vB anymore" from DB-Tech representatives.

Thanks for the reply though.


My uneasiness really stems from comments along the lines of "not liking vB anymore" from DB-Tech representatives.

Thanks for the reply though.



Actually DBTech Reps never said they are not liking vb anymore, the actual statement was:

^.^ Still buying 2 licenses tomorrow. I'm starting to dislike the people around vbulletin to be honest.

Keyword is people, not vb
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