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New member

First of all, thanks for all the work you put into this hack. I just tried it and it looks better than any other I tried before.

One thing that's holding us off from using it on our forum at the moment though is there appears to be a display bug in IE 7. There is a big black squarish screen in place of all the thank-you info down below the usernames.

It displays just fine in Chrome and FF, however.

Any idea what could be the problem, and if you are aware of the problem, is there a fix planned for next version?

Thanks again for all the work and looking forward to the reply.


PS Sorry if I missed this being discussed elsewhere already

Ok, the one of the left is how the forum normally displays without the hack.
The one on the right shows what's happening when I turn the hack on (black areas of various size below each post):


It works just fine in FF and Chrome.. it only does that in IE 7 (7.0.5730.13 on Win XP) :confused:
Forum runs on vBulletin 4.0.3 Patch Level 1
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Sadly I don't have an IE7 environment to test on. Can you please confirm whether this happens with other users running IE7?
Also, when did you download the files? I patch them every now and then and it's possible you didn't have the patched version.
Finally, does this happen on every skin? It looks like you're using a custom skin - can you check on the default one?

If not, then I would recommend updating to IE8, because I can confirm it looks as intended on IE8 on a WinXP-based system (Windows Server 2003).
Ok, I just tried it on another comp.. same thing there when it's running on IE7.. black areas.
IE8 is fine indeed, and can't check on IE6.

I D/L'ed the files today here on the site.

Forum only has the default 'vB4 Default Style' installed (just background is set to black).

I wish I could make all users upgrade to the latest IE, or better yet, switch their browser completely, but unfortunately there's still a lot of IE7/IE6 users out there :eek:

Too bad IE7 misbehaves like that, I know it's a pain to test everything against non-conforming browsers.

Thanks for trying to help, sadly we won't be able to use the hack until users move on to better versions/browsers :(

I'll keep an eye on your future updates too.


Edit: just noticed the height of the those black areas mimics height of each post exactly. not sure if that's a hint towards something or not
or could the black background be 'spilling' in there via some class inheritance or something that's badly interpreted in IE7?

edit n2: that little arrow/collapse button doesn't wanna work in IE7 either. it stays 'locked open' like you can see in the screen
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It's the collapsing that does it, you can edit it out of the templates (of course, you won't be able to use the collapsing feature...) and see if that works.
This is gettin' to be too much work.. I guess we'll just wait 6 months or so and see how many people still use IE7 then, haha.

Thanks for your assistance, Fillip H..
Not sure if this is super important but I just installed the Lite version, am running vBulletin 4.0.6 and noticed that the plugin does in fact not render properly in IE7.

The collapsing has nothing to do with this as I have that completely removed. I am currently trying to figure out the correct CSS to get this to display correctly but might just want to provide a small note in the plugin page that it doesn't render correctly for IE7 users.
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