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Hello All,

we are using cdn network for our site now & we use now. but now we find that none of dbtech files are cached on there servers & they say since you use active cookies for the files so its not any one tested this on your site of ur files.
please refer to the screen shot & also u can test our site on WebPagetest - Website Performance and Optimization Test & view the source for more info



  • 2012-06-10_203600.jpg
    1.6 MB · Views: 16
How does your CDN script convert existing image references to CDN references? Does it replace all instances of forum URL with the CDN URL?

As in, it changes IANA — Example domains to httpd:// ?
If that's the case, then you can fix it yourself by changing the navtab image paths to include in front of the image paths :)
Chris informed me that what I was was in fact incorrect, board url is added automatically. Sorry :(

In that case I'm entirely out of ideas, the board URL is appended automatically so it's down to your script to properly pick up on the URLs, there's nothing further we can do unfortunately :(
some chat from CDN guys

Kevin B: I am sorry for their response
Obviously they did not even read it
Question: the images that are not coming from CDN
Are they by any chance "attachments" ?
Oh wait
Now I see
Are you using a plugin that combines CSS files by any chance?
A plugin that would cause this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css.php?styleid=20&langid=1&d=1339136312&td=ltr&sheet=bbcode.css,editor.css,popupmenu.css,reset-fonts.css,vbulletin.css,vbulletin-chrome.css,vbulletin-formcontrols.css," />
me: yes
Kevin B: Well, this is it [smile]
ALL the files you say are not coming from CDN seem to be called from this file
css.php? and what follows it
If you are using a plugin to do this, this is the problem there
Kevin B: So you need to disable whatever this plugin may be
me: what u mean
Kevin B: I mean if you use a plugin to enable this css.php? file, which combines a bunch of CSS files, you need to disable it
Basically, those combined CSS files are not becing called from CDN, therefore images are not served from CDN
me: how do we test
Kevin B: I don't know, I'm sorry. I think this is something you may need to check yourself. Go through your plugins and see if one of them could cause this. I would like to help, but this is beyond helping configuring the CDN plugin/module.

Kevin B: Do a view source on your website
Ctrl+f and look for css.php
me: oh its from vbnavtabs
Kevin B: [smile]
me: if i disable all menu bars will go
Kevin B: Maybe it's worth a shot
me: site will go
Kevin B: Well.. looks like this is what is causing the problem
me: ok
Kevin B: What you can do, is maybe contact dragonbyte and see if you can reference css.php from the CDN url
me: wait let me disable & see how it looks
Kevin B: Ok!
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That is not a plugin, I believe it's the "Store CSS Stylesheets as Files" option in Style & Language settings :)
That is not a plugin, I believe it's the "Store CSS Stylesheets as Files" option in Style & Language settings :)
Hello Anand,

Per our chat, the problem seems to originate from the plugins by dragonbyte, also it was referred to by vBSEO Support. The files loading from the dragonbyte-tech plugins are loading from your server directly. What you need to do is to find a way to reference them from the CDN URL in order to take better advantage of the service.

Kevin Baldwin
NetDNA Customer Service Representative
Sorry, but that doesn't help :(

Could you please try turning off "Store CSS Stylesheets as Files" as per my previous post? See if that improves your script's image catching.
Sorry, but that doesn't help :(

Could you please try turning off "Store CSS Stylesheets as Files" as per my previous post? See if that improves your script's image catching.
ACP / Settings / Options / Style & Language Settings and find the setting, Store CSS Stylesheets as Files? set that to No.
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Legacy vBNavTabs

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