
After upgrade, a lot of plugins are not working, after trying to re-install them I get this error:

Bitfield Collision: allowvideos = credits_cantearn

From what I can gather it is to do with a credit system, I hunted around and found it is this bitfield_credits.xml which I presume if associated with vbshop is this correct and what can I do to remove this error if in fact it has anything to do with it?

Some errors are also this

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_block.php on line 956

which I believe is a corrupt file and need to be re-upped in ASCII forum but when I re-install I get the Bitfield Collision error again.

Proper roundabout going on here!!
hmmmm, Ive deleted it, if it all goes to pot im blaming you Ozzy, <joke>

Must have been left when I didnt uninstall it properly a while back!
