4.2 Secondary Navbar Sublinks Display Area

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Ok, so after looking at the default theme I realized what is wrong: The sublinks ARE now showing up in the "correct" location if an item is in the secondary navbar, the problem is that the correct location is just below the secondary navbar and not the primary one, if that makes sense. I can see how some people would prefer their links to appear there, especially on a theme based on the default vbulletin theme, but for the Dragonbyte MMO theme it looks out of place, like something is broken. I've attached screenshots to show what I mean.

I tried altering the absolute top position, but it just ends up hiding underneath the top navbar and not on top. I'm betting there's a simple css code that could probably fix that, but I'm going to post here before I investigate further.

Thanks as always for the help. Hopefully I'm being helpful!

If Item is displayed in the default navigation bar:

If displayed in a secondary navbar:
That is correct behavior, as the sublinks are associated with that tab, which is in the second navbar.
As I mentioned above, after looking at the default theme I realized that is the default behavior for vbNavTabs, but unfortunately it looks broken in the theme :(
Yeah I think it needs to have the float container added to it, so it looks like the default navbar. :)

I know what you mean, however what i noticed was that when you have a tab selected on the vb main navigation, that the secondary one looks very empty and uses up a lot of space. This method came across better imo. But ill look into amother solution.

Sent from a mobile device.
- scott
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