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Try adding a <br /> or two at the top of the dbtech_vbshout_shoutbox template and see if that helps :)
Rawr, you scared me, I totally forgot Ajax threads were here. Anyway, this is what I got: Screenshot by Lightshot The spacing top is perfect, but how to reduce the bottom one now? There was no <br /> on the bottom of the template. And it would have to be modified everytime the placing of the shoutbox was changed, right?

By the way, may I ask what mod you guys use to change urls into titles? Kinda off-topic.
I don't know how to reduce the bottom one, it's what vB does by default I believe.

That mod is vBSEO :)
vBSEO isn't a mod by DB, right? It was the one that was changing how URLs work, right? But why would you change URLs when vB4 already does it?
Nah, it's made by vBSEO - The Leading SEO Plugin for vBulletin

It provides features the vB4 default doesn't - most sites are fine with vB4 default functionality, but seeing as our ability to attract people is partially dependant on search engines, we decided to try it out :)

Plus it lets us ensure our mods are more or less compatible with vBSEO :)
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